character ask answers!!

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Q/luke: on a scale from one to ten, how did you feel when heidi gave you the nickname 'pouty lips'?

A/: at first it made me feel uncomfortable but then i started liking it and it made me feel special. so probably a 6.

Q/heidi: if i, or someone else kidnapped luke, what would you do?

A/: i would leave a bowl of cookies and cream ice cream and a cd player blasting green day on our doorstep and he would probably just come running home like a golden retriever. not even dwayne the rock johnson could hold luke back from this.

Q/heidi: and how in the world are you so awesome? it's getting to the point where my brain's having trouble comprehending it.

A/: ha yeah right but thanks

Q/heidi's mom: do you know what happened to heidi that one time on st. patrick's day? and if you do, can you tell us?

A/: i'll tell you now i trusted heidi to finally be on her own and live by herself and take a gap year and how does she waste it? hooking up with some random guy on the seat of a ferris wheel! so she calls me in the middle of the night one night freaking out because she had taken one of those pregnancy tests earlier that day and it came up positive. luckily it was a faulty test and she wasn't actually pregnant but i sure as hell wasn't going to trust her to keep her vagina to herself this year.

author questions

Q/: was it necessary to make that heartbreak girl joke in june?

A/: absolutely.

Q/: do you know that i went back and read the whole book again so i could come up with questions?

A/: thank you for being a fucking amazing reader and the only person who comments and votes you are the shit. love luke, heidi, cal, and mikey

violentclarke you are the only human who commented thank you beautiful soul

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