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i'm not capitalizing the letters in this story purposely.

"who gives a fuck about an oxford comma?"

heidi was always into writing and literature. when that claim is made, keep in mind she hates the classics. well, except wuthering heights. no girl can resist a good read like wuthering heights.

but she's a grammar freak. not one of those people who scolds people for saying "who" instead of "whom", but someone who will flip shit if she sees the incorrect form of the word "there".

she hated reality televison, bugs, and k-pop. she had a deep devotion to poetry and pastel colors, as well as french fries and winter. she never cried during movies or funerals but you usually found her crying in the bathroom later. she never gave blowjobs but refused to be in relationships without sex. most of all, when she fell, she fell hard. but she's always too rough skinned to admit it.

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