february-wedding crasher

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"luke, have you seen the cat food?" heidi asked from the kitchen.

it had been a month, and almost every day since new years luke had made sure to make heidi's the last stop so he could stay there until she kicked him out. sometimes she wouldn't, claiming that she was awfully lonely all by herself in the "iscolated forests of the irish countryside". luke hoped it meant she liked his company, because he enjoyed hers so much.

"nope," he sighed from the couch.

"you better get your feet off my couch, pouty lips," she replied from the kitchen, her head now buried in a cupboard.

"how did you know?"

"i know you."

luke smiled. he liked when she said things like that.

"can we puh-leese go out tonight?" luke whined childishly, setting his feet down on the groud again and standing up with a groan.

"no fucker i want to eat and shit," heidi replied, walking out of the kitchen and slipping her hands into luke's back pockets.

friends, luke. you're just friends. luke repeated the phrase in his mind in order to keep himself from practically slamming heidi against the wall.

"that's what i meant by go out," luke clarified.

"yeah but it takes 5 minutes to decide where to go 20 minutes to get to town another 5 minutes to wait it out in traffic 10 minutes to find parking and then at least 30 minutes to get seated and place orders. of course then there's the wait which is another 20 minutes at least. pretty please can we eat in?" she smirked, pinching luke's butt before taking her hands out of his pockets.

"ow!" he yelped. "how would you like it if i pinched your butt?"

"ugh i hate it when you're realistic," she groaned, walking back to the kitchen.

"we could always crash a party," luke suggested, following close behind.

luke watched heidi stop dead in her tracks and slowly turn around. "i knew you'd come in handy, pouty lips."


"well, this looks promising," heidi smiled, grabbing luke's arm.

"what are we doing this is a wedding reception," luke asked, gripping her arm.

"don't be a pussy, this is our chance to have a little fun. we should break out the audrey and do some roleplay."

"girls say pussy-"

"luke, come on we just have to," she begged, not hesitating as she continued to approach the building. the banner above read: "congrats to the new mr and mrs gould!"

"follow my lead," heidi encouraged, her converse squeaking on the wet pavement.

as they walked in, they were immediately met with bright flashing lights and plenty of people.

luke swallowed his compliments on heidi's black and white knee length dress that she of course paired with sneakers. her hair was in a really messy messy-bun, but luke didn't care. she was still beautiful.

"oh my god hi!" heidi shrieked as a very drunk woman approached her, wearing a very colossal white wedding dress. heidi quickly leaned in to luke's ear and whispered "i have no idea who she is."

"congratulations! i didn't have time to catch up with you after the ceremony but i was really touched. you two seem like the perfect fit," heidi spun up on the spot.

the druken bride looked confused as she took in heidi's words. luke held back laughter. "of course hun! i haven't seen you in so long!" the bride quickly scrambled to reply.

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