june-grammar police

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"how's this?"

heidi put the pencil between her teeth as she examined the sheet again. "good... but you need to beef it up. it's not specific enough," she explained, setting it back in front of luke.

"how do i do that?"

heidi took the pencil out of her mouth and put it behind her ear instead. tousles of her wavy dark hair spun around it as she positioned the pencil so it would stay. luke may have swooned a little.

the night after that eventful june party, heidi confessed to luke she had no idea what had happened at the party. she had forgotten everything; the kiss, the throwup, the confessions. luke was stuck in the friendzone again and again.

"just... tell them about how much it hurt. be reeallly specific, colleges like that," heidi instructed, writing a few things in the margins.

"i was only underwater for five minutes. i barely remember surfacing, let alone the ER," luke fought.

"ah ah, wait."


"you're missing an oxford comma here," heidi exclaimed, writing one in.

"who gives a fuck about an oxford comma?"

heidi looked up and immediately let out a fake gasp, dropping her pencil.

"you did NOT luke robert hemmings," she shouted, standing up and walking across the room to her laptop.

"heidi, what are you doing?"

"luke, the importance of the controverisal topic of the oxford comma is absolutely one hundred percent THE most important thing ever to exist EVER," heidi began, typing vigorously into her keyboard.

"are you okay?"

"come. now."

luke walked over as if approaching a bear playfully.

"just come," heidi demanded, scooting over on the couch.

she had wikipedia pulled up, and at the top in bold it read "oxford comma".

"it's used to list things. some people don't use it, like you. those people can be saved, however. i'm going to save you, luke hemmings," she smiled, holding both of his hands and tilting her head up to the ceiling.

"God, i would like this to go on my record. i'm helping my friend luke. you could send me to heaven if you wanted. thank you, amen."

luke chuckled and tried not to sweat to much in his hands as her's stayed in his longer than expected. when heidi opened her eyes again, luke was looking into them.

she removed her hands.

"okay. back to that college application," heidi awkwardly stood up after closing her laptop.

"back to it."

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