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luke was happy that heidi was still in england on april first because she was way too good at pranks on a regular basis.

he couldn't sleep that night though because she came back april second.


when he went to the airport to pick her up, he didn't really know what exactly was going to happen. what was he supposed to say, "glad you're finally back in ireland. maybe next year you can prove to your parents that you're responsible enough not to get almost pregnant". could he hug even hug her?

these questions did not get answers before he saw heidi exit the terminal.

"um-hi-i missed you," luke smiled at her as they got closer.

"well shucks hemmings, glad to see you too," she grinned, hugging him. luke practically melted into her, happy to feel her tiny little body against his again.

"let's go out tonight. anywhere you want, sonny. i'll pay," heidi promised, wheeling her luggage behind her as they started walking.

"how about home?"


heidi wheeled her luggage behind her as luke opened the door to her house.

"home to the crib at last!" heidi smiled as she entered, setting all her stuff down and immediately dropping to the floor on her hands and knees. "now where is india?"

"i fed her before i left to come pick you up so she's probably taking a shit," luke clarified, closing the door.

before he knew it, india was barreling around the corner faster than luke had ever seen an obese cat move. she almost looked like a dog.

"aw there she is!" heidi grinned as india began rubbing her head under heidi's hand and headbutting her leg. she did that when she wanted attention. luke thought it was adorable.

although the fact that the cat got a warmer welcome than luke did bother him a bit. i mean, he did take care of the cat. therfore the cat was there because of luke. that deserved some sort of congratulations in luke's head considering he couldn't even keep house plants alive.

"luke, she looks fatter. cats really don't have the time to be overweight you know, they get self concious," heidi scolded playfully, standing up with india still in her arms.

"i think she's wonderful, isn't that enough?" luke played along, plopping down on the same couch he had been
for weeks.

"i suppose so. we should get her some toys, luke. don't you think?"

so they pulled up petco.com and started looking at cat toys for three hours.

at 10 pm, things started getting weird.

"okay, that's a sex toy," heidi giggled, pointing at a specific toy on the screen.


"it's literally called pussy push mouse hem, it's a fucking sex toy."

they both collapsed in fits of laughter.

"oo, let's try to think of better names," luke suggested, pulling up a word document and titling it "Cat Toy Names".

heidi paused, but then said "pussiac 5000."

"puss puss revolution."

there were tears streaming down both of their faces by the end of the night because of how hard they laughed.

maybe this was a filler idek at this point. votes and comments are encouraged but not required babes !!! 💞

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