march-cheese and crackers

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in march, heidi had to go away for the whole month because her parents wanted her home for saint patrick's day. heidi, living in ireland, loved saint patricks day, but only for the beer. last year, heidi sort of got drunk and almost pregnant, to leave it at that. why they needed her for the whole month was still beyond both luke and heidi.

luke: what do you mean there's no wifi

heidi: there isn't i'm dying

luke: how are we texting then

heidi: it's called getting crafty

luke: what

heidi: nothing pouty lips

luke: um ok

heidi: i sorta kinda miss you

luke: i sorta kinda miss you too like a lot

heidi: aw

luke: yeah

heidi: i expect a huge banner that reads 'welcome home heidi' and one of your famous chocolate cakes when i get back fucker

luke: that cake was just an accidental success

heidi: like me when i came out of my mother's stomach

luke:ok that was actually pretty good

heidi: do you expect the worst from me luke

luke: no i just thought it was funny

heidi: oh ok got it yep sure you know what luke i'm tired of your shit

luke: are you serious

heidi: no

luke: ugh dont fuck we me like that

heidi: sorry i wanted to see what you would do

luke: hey heidi

heidi: yeah

luke: i'm watching tv at your house because my tv broke and i really didn't want to miss the football game

heidi: whatever that's what the key's for

luke: oh ok

heidi: and by game you mean pretty little liars

luke: maybe

heidi: haha

luke: it's not funny

heidi: you're cute

luke: you are too

heidi: i know

luke: wow

heidi: i'm kidding

luke: oh

heidi: guess what

luke: what

heidi: i have a surprise for you

luke: really

heidi: yep

luke: yayayyayaayayayyayayay

heidi: you're too good for me

luke: maybe i am

heidi: shutup

luke: i'm kidding

heidi: i still love you it's cool

luke: can we skype?

heidi: yes

luke ran to his laptop and pulled skype up as soon as humanly possible.

"hey bitch," heidi greeted as soon as she logged on. she waved a hand in front of the camera and shoved something into her mouth with her other.

"what the hell are you eating at this hour?" luke asked, laying down on his stomach and propping himself up in front of his laptop with his elbows.

"cheese and crackers," she exclaimed through the crunch of another cracker. "and it's only 11."

"aw man, now i want some cheese and crackers," luke whined, crossing his arms in front of him and resting his chin on top.

"you're still at mine?"

luke nodded.

"there's cheese in the fridge and crackers under my bed. don't ask why," heidi smiled.

"i'll be right back," luke told her as he rolled off of the bed and ran to the fridge.

the first thing he noticed when he opened the fridge was a huge container with what looked to be celeri inside. it was stacked neatly in perfect rows, and the container was pretty large. next, he saw three unopened bottles of whipped cream sitting quiely on top of a block of cheese. luke laughed to himself at the food options and quickly took one can of whipped cream and the cheese and ran back to the computer.

"i took one of your whipped creams," luke told her, opening the top.

"fuck you."

"you have two more-"

"luke i don't care have at it," she chuckled, bits and pieces of cracker falling on her shirt.

there's a silence as they both chew and swallow.

"hey luke?"

"hey heidi?"

heidi hesitated before continuing. "i-i really do miss you," heidi mumbled, pulling a few pieces of stray hair in front of her face to hide it.

the smirk at luke's lips dissapeared. he had never seen heidi look so... vulnerable. it frustrated him, but it also made him feel a little bit like a man again.

"i miss you too."

"i know that since you've known me i've never really been very... emotional, but i care about you, hemmings," heidi smiled, looking down at her hands set in her criss-cross applesauce lap.

"it's okay," is all luke could get out.

heidi laughed once, but there was no sound. "you really are too good for me."

heidi swept her hair back into a low ponytail, once again prooving that she could literally pull off anything and still look hot as fuck to luke. "i gotta dash, hemmo. i'll call you tommorow," heidi announced, returning to her old self once again.

"okay. i lo-miss you," luke stuttered. oh fuck. you've done it now, luke, he thought to himself.


as they both shut their laptops from opposite countries, they tried to imagine just what it might have been like if luke had said "i love you" instead of the latter.

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