Part 4

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"Hey Cap, Y/n." Sam called, you looked over and saw that Bucky was awake. Your heart sang. You were so happy. You were scared to death when Steve brought him in from the river. "Steve," Bucky groaned. "Which Bucky am I talking to?" Steve asked. Bucky smiled slightly, "Your mums name was Sarah, you used to wear newspapers in your shoes." Bucky started laughing. You chuckled, "Really cap? Newspapers in your shoes." Steve gave you a glare then looked back to Bucky, "you can't read that in a museum." Steve had a small glimpse of hope on his face. "Just like that we're supposed to be cool?" Sam said and you rolled your eyes. "Lighten up, Sam." You patted Sam's back and walked over to Bucky.

"What did I do?" Bucky's voice was coarse. "Enough." Steve said. "Oh, god I knew this would happen, everything HYDRA put inside of me is still there. All he had to do was say the god damn words." Bucky looked down. "Bucky, remember it isn't your fault, that wasn't you, you couldn't control it." You tried to comfort him.

"Who was he?" Steve asked. "I don't know." Bucky replied. "People are dead, the bombing, the set up. The doctor did all that just to get ten minutes with you, I need you to do better than 'I don't know'' Steve pushed. "Steve don't be so harsh; he is trying his hardest. Have you ever had your memories washed away? No, I didn't think so." You replied sassily. Bucky placed his free hand onto your arm. "It's fine, Doll, "Bucky smiled. He called you Doll; you could feel the butterflies swirl in your stomach. "He wanted to know about Siberia, where I was kept," bucky paused, "he wanted to know exactly were." You looked at him, "why would he need to know that?" You asked. Bucky looked up at you then at Sam and Steve. "Because I'm not the only Winter soldier."

"Who were they?" You asked. "The most elite death squad." Bucky replied with a sigh. "More kills than anyone in HYDRA history, and that was before the serum." He continued. "Do they all turn out like you?" Sam perked his head up. "Worse." Bucky simply said. "Could the doctor control them?" You asked. Bucky looked up at you, "enough." Then he looked down ashamed. You placed a hand on his back to comfort him, he looked up and gave you a faint smile. "He said he wanted to see an empire fall." Steve said. "With these guys he could do it," Bucky started, "they speak thirty languages, can hide in plain sight, infiltrate, assassinate, destabilize, they could take a whole country down in one night, you'd never see them coming." Sam walked over to Steve, "this would have been a lot easier a week ago."

By now Steve had taken Bucky's arm out of the 'metal holder' and Bucky had both his hands in his lap. "Hey, I'm going to help you through this, ok? No matter what." Bucky smiled. You moved your arm slightly too far back, a zap of pain went through your body, you groaned. "What happened?" Bucky asked and he motioned you to sit down in front of him so he could check it out. "Oh, it's nothing, I just hurt my shoulder blade while me and Sam were fighting, that's all." Bucky asked if he could bring the collar of your shirt down so he could check out your shoulder blade, where the pain started from. You gave him a nod and he pulled down the back of your shirt. "Woah, Y/n you need to rest." You looked back at him, instantly regretting it. "What? why?" You couldn't rest, you needed to help Bucky. "You have a massive bruise that isn't going to heal for a long time, and if you keep fighting it is just going to get worse." Bucky said as he lightly pressed his metal thumb on your bruise to see how bad it really was. The coldness from his metal thumb felt nice against your warm skin.

"No, Bucky, I'm going to keep helping you, I made a promise and I intend to keep it." You said, you had an attitude that Bucky new that you wouldn't change your mind. Bucky sighed, "fine, but once this is all over you are going to rest, understand?" You could feel how protective Bucky was being and it was nice knowing that someone card for you so much that they don't want to see you get hurt. You nodded in reply to Bucky and smiled slightly, so did Bucky. Steve and Sam were talking but they looked over at the both of you smiling like idiots. They could tell that you two liked and cared each other despite only knowing each other for a day.

~Short time skip~

Steve pulled up under a bridge in a small blue car. Steve and Sam sat in the front and you, and Bucky were in the back. Steve got out of the car and walked towards a black car that was parked in front. Sharon then walked out of the car and towards Steve and they started talking. "Can you move your seat up?" Bucky asked, his face, emotionless. "No." You tried so hard to hold in your laughter. Bucky looked over at you and you quickly looked out the window, still barely holding in your laughter. Bucky then slid over towards you more so he would have more leg room. You, Sam, and Bucky were all looking out the front window to see what was going on with Steve and Sharon when Steve kissed her. Your jaw dropped. Steve and Sharron broke the kiss and you started clapping, "Woohoo yes Cap!!" you screamed from inside the car. Bucky and Sam just nodded with smirks on their face. Steve looked over at you three and rolled his eyes as he took the things Sharron brought and they said their goodbyes. Steve got into the driver's seat, "Steve, I didn't know you were a ladies' man!" You shook his shoulders and laughed a little, you could see Bucky chuckling next to you. Steve shook his head and pulled out from under the bridge.

After a long drive you pulled into a German airport. Steve parked next to a white van. You all got out of the car, Clint and Wanda then got out of the van. "Clint!!" you exclaimed and ran and gave him a hug. "Hey Y/n." Clint smiled and hugged back. "Wanda!" you ran and gave her a hug as well. "I missed you so much Y/n." Wanda said, "me too!" You pulled away from the hug so Steve could talk to them. "Where's new recruit?" Steve asked. "He's here," Clint opened the van to show a man sleeping. When the door closed the man jumped awake. You chuckled slightly. "What time zone is this?" The man asked, he then noticed Steve standing in front of him. "Captain America," He started shaking Steves hand repeatedly. "Mr Lang," Steve replied. You looked over at Bucky and you could see him laughing slightly and you joined him. "I'm shaking your hand too long," Mr Lang stopped shaking Steves hand, "wow this is awesome." He looked over to Wanda, "Captain America, I know you too, you're great." He then placed his hands on Steves arms, "geez." By this point you and Bucky were laughing hysterically.

"Hey, man." Mr lang said to Sam. "Hey Tic Tac." You were guessing that was a nickname that Sam made for him. "We should get moving." Bucky suggested. "Their evacuating the airport," you said. You knew this was because of your dad, "suit up." Steve said.

*Finally some of the good stuff is coming!!! i hope you have enjoyed this story so far!*

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