Part 5

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You and Cap headed towards a helicopter when a machine flew onto the top of the vehicle and blew it up. You looked up and saw your father in the air with his hand still raised from firing the bomb. Tony flew down towards you and Steve with Rhodey meters away from Tony. Tony and Rhodey landed in front of you, "wow it's so weird how you run into people at the airport, don't you think that's weird?" Tony questioned Rhodey as his helmet opened. "Definitely weird." Rhodey answered. "Hear me out Tony," Steve started, Rhodes and Tony both turned their heads to face him. That doctor, the psychiatrist, he's behind all of this." The sound of two feet landing on the ground caught yours and Caps attention, you both turned towards the figure that was King T'challa; Black Panther. "Captain," T'challa said, "Your highness." Steve Replied. "Anyway," Tony started, "Ross gave me thirty-six hours to hand you in, that was twenty-four hours ago. Can you help a brother out?" "You're after the wrong guy," Steve said. "Y/n/n?" Tony looked at you. "You know I can't, dad." you sighed and looked down. But you didn't look down because you regret your decision, you just didn't want to see your dads face after you betrayed him.

"Your old war buddy killed innocent people yesterday-" Tony was interrupted by Steve, "and there are five more super soldiers just like him." You decided to join the conversation, "we can't let the doctor find Bucky first, we just can't." You had a soft smile on your face, expressing how much this meant to you. "Steve, Y/n," Nat came out of nowhere and it gave you a little fright. "You know what's about to happen, do you really want to punch your way out of this one?" you sighed, "Nat, I can't just leave Bucky alone and think he is going to be ok, there are lots of people after him and I don't know what I would do if I found out he had been caught. What if he was taken by hydra again? You helped him once can't you do it again?" Nat has been a close friend of yours for years, you just hope that the future events don't tear apart your friendship.

"Alright, I've run out of patience." Your father started, "Underroos!" You looked around, expecting something bad to come at you. Suddenly a web shot out from above you and took Steve's shield off his arm and cuffed his hands together. A boy in a red and blue spider suit flipped onto a truck located near the group of you. He looked up, shield in hand. Tony started talking to the boy but you didn't listen, your thoughts were at Bucky. You didn't want to admit it but all you could think about were his crystal blue eyes, and his long, milk chocolate coloured hair. You loved how when he smiled his whole face lit up, he had the cutest toothy grin you had ever seen in your life.

You were brought back to reality by your father who was yelling at Steve, you looked up and started paying attention to the conversation again, "and you've been a complete idiot, dragging in Clint, rescuing Wanda from a place she doesn't even want to leave, a safe place." You interrupted Tony, "it may be safe but she sure as hell didn't want to be there." Your dad continued, "I'm trying to keep- I'm trying to keep you from tearing the avengers apart." Steve sighed, "you did that when you signed."

"Ok, you're going to turn Barnes in and you're going to come with us." Tony demanded. "Dad, you know we can't do that." Tony sighed, "Y/n, you're my daughter, you should be on my side. C'mon." "I'm sorry dad, Bucky needs my help, I'm not going to give up on him." You started to feel a little bit guilty, but you then remembered what you were doing this for so you stood up prouder. In your coms you heard Sam speak, "we found it, the Quinjet's in hanger five, north runway." Steve raised his tied hands up in the air and Clint released an arrow that broke through the web substance that held Steve's hands together.

Tony quickly turned his head as his mask closed over his face. "Guys, something's-" The man in the red suit, who's name you learnt was Spider-Man, Groaned as he flung back from Scott kicking him in the face. Scott handed Steve's shield back to Steve. Tony flew towards the parking lot to go get Clint and Wanda. Black Panther headed to where Sam and Bucky were and you started to get worried. You guessed Steve could see your worry, "go to Sam and Bucky, I've got it down here." You nodded and started running towards where Bucky and Sam were.

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