Part 12

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"Anna? Honey, it's mummy and daddy." You put her little hand in yours. She opened her eyes and a sigh of relief left you and Bucky's mouths. You looked at Bucky and he smiled as he rubbed your back. "Mummy? Daddy?" Tears of joy left Bucky's eyes, "yes, baby, it's me and mummy." Anna looked around the room, "where am i?" She managed to say, "We're at mummy's old house." You said. She smiled, "can I see!?" it's like she wasn't even hurt in the first place. "Woah darling be careful. Bruce just needs to check some final things." Bucky said as he held her back on the bed.

Once Bruce did some final check-ups Anna was free to leave the lab. You took her up to yours and Bucky's room and she awed. She loved the whole compound, from the lab to the bathroom. "Hey, Anna, do you want to meet your grandad?" Anna squealed in excitement and clapped her hands. You laughed and Bucky picked her up as you both walked to the Lab where Tony was working.

Once you got to the lab, you knocked on the door and Tony opened it. "I didn't know I had guests." He laughed. "Well, we thought we should let you meet Anna." Bucky smiled. "Oh, so this is the famous Anna everyone is talking about, is it?" He said to Anna, and she smiled. "Hello." She waved shyly. "Hi Anna, how are you." Anna got shy and buried her head in the crook of her father's neck, "good." She mumbled.

The three of you laughed. "Hey, do you want to see something cool?" Anna lit up and nodded. Bucky placed her down on the ground and Tony took her hand, showing her to the collection of Iron Man suits he made. "Woah!" Anna walked around and took a close look at every single suit and all of its features. Anna turned around to face you and Bucky, "can I have one!" She jumped in the air and clapped her hands.

"No, no, sweetie, they are only for mummy's and daddy's." Bucky said as he knelt to Anna's level. She crossed her arms and put on an angry face that you and Bucky each thought was adorable. "C'mon baby, let's give you a bath." You said as Bucky picked her up and you both walked out of the lab, waving goodbye to your dad. You walked through the usually loud and busy tower. It was weird not having anyone here.

Bucky took Anna to the bathroom and set the bath up, you got Anna's clothes and walked into the bathroom. Once the bath was full and the water was not too hot, Bucky lifted Anna in and she splashed in the water. You laughed and put in some bath soap to make big bubbles. Anna scooped up a big handful of bubbles and smacked them onto her father's face. Anna thought it was the funniest thing she had ever seen, and Bucky just rolled his eyes playfully. You laughed and took a photo. You loved these moments with your small family. You couldn't be happier.

*Six years later* (yes, I know big time skip, otherwise this story would be so long lol)

Anna was now six and a half, you and Bucky still lived in the same old apartment, but you redid it and made it look nicer. The avengers are starting to get better again, but they aren't really needed, there hasn't been much drama to take care of. Bucky still gets nightmares most nights, they're mainly about Anna and You getting taken away by H.Y.D.R.A again. But you've been helping him get through them. Anna is such a daddy's girl, and you adored it. Sometimes you would catch Bucky reading books to Anna once you get back from the markets. He was so soft and caring with her, yet he was always scared that he would hurt her.

Anna loves Bucky's metal arm, despite its history. Bucky doesn't understand why she loves it so much, she thinks it makes him unique, which is very true. Anna has grown to love music and dancing. She also loves art, especially finger painting. She once drew with crayon on the walls of her room, but you and Bucky decided to leave it since it was a picture of your family, and it was one of her first drawings.

Bucky's phone began to ring so he picked it up, "hello?" You couldn't hear the conversation, but it seemed bad. Once Bucky hung up, he told you what it was about. "So, Steve called, he says that there's a palace in Wakanda, the king is friends with Steve, and also happened to be Black Panther. Remember T'challa?" You nodded and he continued. "Well, Steve said that they have found a way to get all my memories back and get all the H.Y.D.R.A and Winter Soldier control words out of my head." You smiled, "that's amazing, Babe!" You gave him a hug and he smiled, "they did say that they don't know how long it will take, could he a few months to a few years."

"Oh," you frowned. "Don't worry, it'll be ok, I have time to think about it, so we can discuss what's going to happen, ok?" he placed his hands on your shoulders. You nodded and he kissed you. "I love you, Doll, don't worry, we're going to be ok." You smiled, "I love you too." To be completely honest, you were scared. You were obviously happy for Bucky, but you were scared, what if the procedure doesn't go well? what if they can't get H.Y.D.R.A out of him? what if he is gone for a few years and you have to take care of yourself and Anna all by yourself? What if in that time H.Y.D.R.A get to you and Anna again?

You went to bed worrying, you just couldn't stop. Your breath became heavy and quick. Bucky seemed to be awake and noticed. He turned on the lamp and sat up, placing a hand on your back and the other around your hand. "It's ok, Doll, breathe, okay?" You did as he said and took deep breaths with him. He held you close, and you listened to his heartbeat.

After a few minutes Bucky pulled away with a small, comforting smile, "do you want to talk about it?" he asked, you nodded. "I- I'm just nervous that if you- you leave then something b-bad might happen." Bucky's face dropped. "Oh, Doll, i'm sure nothing will happen if I leave. I'll make sure Steve comes around often to make sure you and Anna are safe." You nodded and hugged him. Bucky laid down with you on his chest. He played with your hair, "Goodnight, Y/n."

*Hey! sorry this one is a bit short! the next one should be a bit longer hopefully. and sorry for the huge time skip, if i didn't then it would be a loooong story lol. also thank you for all the love so far Xx*

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