Chapter 35 : Memories of the past (Part 1)

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*some years ago*

"click" the sound of a camera was heard as the young man removed the camera from his eye then looked at the photo he had just taken with a smile.

"So? How does is look?" asked the young man who approached him.

"You just want to know if you look handsome i bet..." said the one walking next to him with an annoyed expression.

"Uh- you know me too well Arthur~ But i always look handsome!" replied the other with a proud smile and the boy named Arthur sighed.

"Stop being such a narcissist Paul ..." Arthur said and Paul stuck his tongue out at him.

"You always say that but its better to love yourself than the other way, and! you also say i'm handsome~" he said proudly.

"Huh... you love yourself too much and i do know recognize a man beauty" said Arthur calmly which disappointed Paul.

"You haven't changed at all it's still boring to tease you... can you blush for once?.." said the blond young man crossing his arms.

"Can the two of you shut up? I want to see the photo" said the girl with red hair with an annoyed expression as she walked next to the one who took the photo.

"Tsk, your such a killjoy Kouyou... Anyway show us the photo!" said Paul enthusiastically as he runned to the boy's other side to see the picture.

"Oh my i really look good on that pic you did a great job as always! " he said and the young man with the camera smiled.

"I do agree with Paul its a really great photo" said Kouyou with a satisfied smile as she looked at the photo of the three of them holding their recently graduated diploma.

"H-Hey guys let me see it too!" yelled Arthur pouching Paul to see the picture.

"Oh i really like it!" he said happily but then his smile disappeared and he suddenly looked sad.

"But its sad that your not on it .... Mori..." he said sadly.

"someone has to take the picture right? It doesn't bother me at all to not be on it" said Mori with a smile.

"But we are a team! You should be on the photos!" said Paul and Kouyou nodded. Mori looked at the picture again with a smile.

"Everyone has their part to play in a team, mine is to capture a moment in an image, am I not right?"  he said smiling as the other three sighed.

"What?" asked the boy confused about their reaction.

"Nevermind... Oh it's quite late already we still have a lot to do before we move to the house-" said Paul looking at the hour on his phone.

"No no no paul, YOU have a lot things to pack! We all are already ready to go to the new house..." said Arthur annoyed and Paul let out an embarrassed laugh.

"I know, im sorry guys.. Ill be quick its just a few things to take don't worry let's meet at the train station in two hours!" yelled Paul as he already started running to his home.

"he is really unchangeable always so problematic ... he will have to improve on this point if he wants to become someone ..." said Arthur annoyed.

"Artur don't be so harsh on him, you know better than us how he is so you know whos not a bad person" said Mori looking at his camera.

"Mori is right, even if he is troublesome sometimes, when he wants to he can be really serious" said houyou and Artur sighed.

"Of course i know it, but that the problem, its only when he wants to but he really need to calme down a little or it may give him trouble for his futur" said Artur looking in the direction Paul ran off to. That one sentence seemed to interest Mori as he look up from his camera and looked at Arthur with a smile.

"In the end you're just worried for him which is normal because you really like him" he said and Artur turned toward him quickly with an embarrassed blush.

"Nonesens..." he said looking away still blushing a lot. Kouyou looked at him with a smile but didnt seem to want to say anything.

"You know, its a good thing that you care about him, your almost the only person who stand him and get along with him so well, he must be really greatfull to have you as his friend" said Mori looking back at the object in his hands and Artur blushed even more.

"It's normal that I care about him… we've known each other for so long, it's like family to me… and I care about you both too! Im glad to have met you all"  Rimbaud replied with a slight smile.  Mori looked at him and nodded with a smile.

"You said his like family to you, do you mean like a husband?" asked Kouyou with an innocent expression which hides her evil smile. To this question, Arthur remained silent, taking the time to fully understand what she meant. When he finally understood that she was trying to tease him, he sighed annoyed but a slight blush could be seen on his cheeks.

"We have to go get our luggage, at this point Paul will arrive at the station before us ..." he said ignoring Kouyou stupid question.

"You're right, then see you in a hour i guess" said Mori as he left.

* At the train station *

Artur repeatedly tapped his foot on the ground with an annoyed and impatient expression.

"Where is he? The train leave in 5 minutes..." he asked angrily as a slightly frightened Mori quickly typed something on his phone.

"H-He's almost there don't worry Arthur" said Mori with an unsure smile.

"Oh really?" asked the dark haired young man not believing a word of what his friend said.

"Y-Yes?" replied the now completely scared Mori tapping even more quickly on his phone.

"Wow how fast Mori, I never knew you could text that fast" Kouyou said sarcastically. Mori didnt reply, he just looked at Kouyou with a crying face but he still smile.

"Oi, dont be so panicked Mori, it's gonna be okay" said Kouyou trying to comfort his friend.

"Kouyou... he is still at his place..." said Mori still with the same expression. Kouyou directly understood that there will be two dead bodys in a few minutes, Paul's for obvious reason and Mori's because he would try to protect him from Arthur's burning anger.

"Rest in peace Mori," Kouyou whispered, patting his shoulder.

"Kouyou ... you're not helping at all ..." he said and Kouyou smiled devilishly at him. Suddenly, they heard the announcement of the departure of the train.  The doors closed and Mori watched desperately as the train left the station as he began to pray for his life.

"Mori..." he heard Artur calling him but he didn't turned around too scared of his friend.

"Oh looks like the train is gone, haha ​​sucks, huh? Guess we'll have to take the next one" said Mori with an terrified smile.

"Mori... where. is. he.?..." asked Artur sending him his darkest glare. At this moment Mori knew... he's so dead...

After twenty five minutes Paul finally arrived, and as expected Arthur tries to kill him for being late again while Mori did his best to calm down his friend which ended up with Artur yelling at both Mori and Paul as Kouyou watched the scenne amused.

"Great now we have two hours to wait for the next train..." said Artur annoyed.

"Perfect, i'm hungry. Let's go get some good food then we could go for a walk!" said Paul happily and Artur glared at him.

"Oh come on let's go!" he said taking Arthur's hand surprisingly, Artur didn't push him away so he started to leave dragging his friend with him and the two others following them.

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