Chapter 47 : Consultation

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"Chuuya" he whispered my name and i blushed. He then he brought his face closer to mine, really close .... Our lips were only inches apart- Wait- Was he really about to kiss me???

My face turned completly red at this thought. I didnt know what i should do and my heart beated like creazy. I liked Fyodor, so kissing him would be alright right?

Then my eyes somehow looked in the way of the half glass door, i could see someone behind it. It was Nicolai, he looked at us surprised then his expression became strange and he runed away. I panicked, not because someone saw us but because i could see the pain in his eye.

"Ah- I just remembered that i have something important to do! Sorry i'll be going now!" I shouted then quickly stood up and left. I didn't look back at Fyodor's confused expression.

I walked past the school gate and my head turned on it's own toward my left. There i saw Gogol kneeling with his face in his arms. I slowly walked toward him and sat next to him.

"Hey are you alright?" I asked with a careful voice. He imediatly looked at me with a bright smile.

"Oh wa Chuuya ! Of course im fine ! What a stupid question hehe~" He said with an amused laugh. Was he really okey? He didnt look fine in front of the library...

"Well i gotta go! See you next time !" He said and left before i had time to ask anything else. Looks like there is only one person who could explain the situation to me even if i already had an idea on what was going on. But how was i suposed to talk to him? I didnt want to wait until tomorrow but what could i do-

Sudenly i heard a ringtone, i looked at where Nicolai was siting and saw a phone, he must had forget it. I picked it up and looked atthe name that called. It was Sigma! The one i wanted to talk with! I quickly picked up.

"Hey Nicolai where are you?" Asked the caller.

"Hello Sigma" i said and Sigma didn't respond for a moment. I can understand after all i wasnt suposed to pick up.

"Chuuya ?? Why do you have his phone? Did something happen to him!??" He asked worryingly.

"Ah- yes and no" i answered with an embarrassed smile.

"WHAT?? What happened!!??" He shouted even more worried.

"Dont worry its nothing, i mean i think.... At least his not hurt- physicaly..." i said trying to explain.

"Uh- Oh- Lets not talk on the phone about this then, where are you right now?" He asked.

"In front of the school" i replied looking back at the building.

"Okey i will be there in 10 minutes dont you dare leaving!" He ordered and i nodded even though he couldn't see it.

"Uh wait! Lets meet in the playground not far away from the school" i said. After all Fyodor was still in the school and i didnt know where he will leave. I just dont want to run into him right now...

"Alright" he said and hang up. I then went to the playground and waited for Sigma. It didn't take long for him to appear.

"So what happened ??" He asked as he
sat on the swing next to me. I explained him everything and he listened carefully.

"And so he left... Is Nicolai in love with Fyodor ?" I asked and Sigma looked away.

"Yes he is... But don't worry about him, Fyodor likes you so if you like Fyodor too then its okey. You shouldn't give up just because someone likes him" he said and i nodded.

"You like him right ? I mean Nicolai " i said looking at him, he imediatly blushed.

"Ah- uh- Me? What? No i dont!" He said panicked.

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