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Izuku's POV:

So after all that nonsense I needed to endure to make the All Mighty Cockroach happy, I finally decided to end this all and maybe even his whole career who knows! I might do that! After all he never did anything for me and what should I do for him?!

Did I care?!


Never did!

Why would I?!

Now that I was actually running at him, I had so many ideas coming into my mind how I could end his whole career and make him bound to a wheelchair. I didn't quite know why but I just wanted to do it! Even if it was wrong and I was not allowed to do it, I still wanted to end his career. He was getting old after all and don't you think a hero that was pucking blood was no hero at all!

I mean what good is he for other than being a bloodbag?!

What should I do?!


Since he loved his smashes soo much, I decided to run towards him only to stop the moment he started to approach me himself and then use a texas smash on his forehead. You know how you flick your finger at some people because they were dumb?! 

Well that was what I did only that I sent him flying away. Don't worry tho! I knew that his quirk or the reminings of my quirk would buff him up enough to make him robust and not kill him while he was sent out of the buiklding.


I loved this! It really was soo much fun and as if that wasn't enough I immediately started chasing a flying cockroach. I was pretty sure it was also the first one. Who would even see a cockroack fly?! RIGHT! NO ONE! Tho he was one, let's be honest he is one!

Now running out of the building and jumping through the hole I made thanks to him, I landed on the ground and started laughing sooo hard. It really was nice seeing the number 1 hero struggle and who was I not to laugh?!

Me: Pffff-hahahaha looks like you cockroach decided to go back to your roots and into the dirt!

All Might: I had it!

Me: Ohh really?! Then let's take out the heavy stunts!

Saying that I rat at him but let's face it even if he wanted to follow my steps he couldn't! He was just an old man that was transforming into a skeleton! However I wasn't worried about breaking... 


I can simply break this ass bitches bones!

Give him a dose of medicine of his own!

Who's fault is it that I have so many broken bones... well healed broken bones to begin with?! 



It's his fault!

He never actually taught me my quirk at all!

As fast as I was going, I stopped right in front of him and sidestepped him to get to his abck just to break his leg first. You know I broke my leg soo many time but the most bones I broke was the bones in my hand. So I needed to get him to at least kneel in front of me to get to that point which was actually my goal.

All Might: AAAHHHH!

Me: Pussy! You think that hurt?! Then try being me with all my broken bones!


I am really surprised I didn't break my own bones until now at all. ... huh... weird.... but I'll take it!

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