Chapter 17: Learn to Lie

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- Kokichi POV -

Angie's lab was locked, I lock picked it and smiled at Shuichi, winking at him. I pushed the door open softly and nobody was inside.

"I want you to do me a favour" I asked Shuichi quietly

"What is it?" He curiously returned my tone

"Lock the door, keep it locked until someone knocks, then open it" I requested

"Hm, I don't wanna do it" He deadpanned, looking a bit mischievous, who's the liar now?

"Why not? It doesn't make sense for you to say no" I looked at him, a bit shocked

"So I did get better" He softly smirked then showed that the door was locked

"Impressive Shumai, your getting better at lying" I smiled then turned around and began rummaging through the lab.

Shuichi joined me. We rummaged through the entire lab, nothing special but there was another door with another type of lock. Interesting, I wonder why Angie needed two lockable doors in her lab.

Other than tons of art supplies and endless amounts wax, there was nothing else in the labs. Except marvelous places to hide. But that wasn't something concrete, the room could always be rearranged and then I may not be able to hide here. Putting that aside, I sat down next to Shumai and said something.

"What if we prank them?" I asked, smiling mischievously

"You sure that's a good idea?" He wondered, still recounting the events of yesterday

"It'll lighten up the mood, we can't be depressed forever after all" I explained my reason

"Well tell me your marvelous idea then, Ultimate Liar" He returned a slight smile

"If people come knocking, you keep the door locked, I run out of the back door, run up to the people who knocked and tell them that I know how to open the door, say open sesame, you unlock the door, run out of the back room and join the group as I open the door and they look around in shock!" I told him my marvelous idea

"Oka-" He got interrupted by several loud knocks

"You know how to do it, open sesame" I winked then came out of the back door and closed it behind myself. I ran and joined the group, being my usual preppy self.

"What're ya guys doing?" I asked enthusiastically

"Trying to open this door you degenerate! It's locked" Tenko fumed as usual

"I would help but I don't have enough mp" Himiko sighed

"I'm not sure how to open it either honestly" Kiibo looked sad

"Gonta want to open door but Gonta no break doors, gentlemen no break things" Gonta resigned from opening the door

"Let me try something" I walked up to the door, knocked on it one time to alert Shuichi and finally yelled

"OPEN SESAME!" Waiting for that click of the open door and the very soft but fast footsteps leading out of the room

"Seriously? You're so stu-" Tenko started but I interrupted

"Behold the door shall now open!" I pushed it open seamlessly

"What- what" Tenko malfunctioned

"Woah, that's the highest level of magic I have ever seeen" Himiko looked alive for the first time ever

"I was not aware that you could do that" Kiibo started at the open door in awe

"The door is open now, so you can explore" I saw Shuichi walking closer

"You got that door open? How?" He said in shock, it was quite amusing, seeing Saihara-chan learn to lie

"Maagic" I giggled, everyone walked in the doors, even Tenko (although she did so begrudgingly)

I locked the back door swiftly and then left, after a while of meaningless searching of course.

I was on my own, looking around before I spotted them. Maki and Kaito talking at the dorms. I listened in on their conversation, hiding as best as I could.

"Get out of there already!" Kaito yelled impatiently

"I said I don't want you in here, do you wanna die? Do you really?" Maki asked coldly as usual

"M-maki! Please come out, we need to investigate" Kaito pleaded

"No one wants me around, they're worried that I'll kill them" She sighed

"Then prove them wrong!" Kaito demanded

"I'm not leaving" She walked away from the door, I assume

"God damnit" He defeatedly walked away, sulking

Hm, isn't it depressing? Your dearest friend actually being an assassin. Aw it's too bad, so sad. He should've been careful. Idiot.

I kept rubbing my eyes open and I was just tired to be here. Truth be told, I was scared. Terrified in fact. I didn't want a new motive. I just don't want anyone to murder anyone else anymore. But I know that it just won't happen and I should be prepared for everything that comes my way as the least trusted member of the group.

I really am putting myself in danger, I always do but I've never really risked getting killed. I just can't be trusted for my plan to work. But Shuichi trusts me. Which really is a pain. But I guess it's fine because another person is necessary for this plan to work.

It was late and I decided to visit Kaede's lab. Then I saw the detective looking through the records. Clair de Lune, Debussy. I wonder what that song meant to him. He picked up a notebook that looked like it had songs in it and set it on the piano. He knows how to play piano?

He started playing a piece, messing up a few times. Obviously not the ultimate pianist but a learning one. I listened intently and he began learning the next part of the song. No wonder he's the ultimate detective, he can't play the piano yet he is determined to learn to play. It's almost as if the piano was a case and he was ready to solve it.

It was 11pm, and I sat behind Kaede's lab, listening to him playing piano. I knew the piece by heart now. It was beautiful for the lack of a better word. He really is amazing.

I headed back to my room after he left. I wanted to make sure that he's ok. I tiredly flopped down on my bed, accidentally landing on the unloaded gun. Ah shit. I should really pack it away. Kirumi's room is locked and the key got destroyed when she was murdered. That's the perfect place to hide it.

I went to Kirumi's room through the little door in my closet. She had quite a few good places to hide the gun but I settled on a lockable small box I can easily hide underneath something. I set the lock to the day I created DICE and I put the gun there. I didn't put the ammo into the box because if someone somehow got into the box they could kill everyone. So I wrapped the ammo into one of my spare scarfs and hid that under my bed, in a corner that's hard to reach for anyone except me.

I put the box under Kirumi's bed in a corner that's hard to reach for anyone but me.

I didn't have much else in my pockets but I did have the pink bomb, I put it in Kirumi's room, hiding it under her blanket.

God I'm tired. It was 1am and I decided to finally sleep. I need some fucking sleep.

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