Chapter 75: Weenie Roast

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Blade took the cart from me almost as soon as I pulled it out of its shelter from the grocery store. While everyone had granted me permission to go grocery shopping, they insisted I not go alone. I could walk, it was just a bit slow, and required breaks when I was standing for too long, and sitting around the house being useless was driving me crazy, so Blade was tasked with babysitting me while Mom and Peter cleaned the house and the outside.

"Excuse me? Why do you get to push the cart?" I asked, hands on my hips.

"Because we have a big list of things to get and you can't be pushing this heavy ass cart around when your leg still hurts," he said, pushing it past me to enter the grocery store. The smell of warm bread wafted my way, the bakery section was right near the entrance after all, and I decided not to be annoyed by the coddling when it meant I had less to do.

"Fine, but I still want to surf on it a little if I can," I said. He rolled his eyes, but nonetheless agreed to my childish request. "Can I be in charge of the list at least or is that too much for me?"

"I'm not sure, maybe I should call your mom and ask if you're allowed or not..." 

I snatched it from his hand. "Don't be a pain in the ass."

He smirked. "Hey, your mom's in charge, not me, and I'm trying to stay on her good side."

"Well don't, or I'll tell her you made me push the cart around. So maybe you should focus more on getting on my good side instead."

"Believe me, I'm trying," he said as he pushed the cart into the store. Hmmm.

I decided not to comment and instead consulted the list. Immediately, I winced. It really was a long list. Maybe having Blade help me wasn't such a bad idea after all.

"Alright, let's just get this over with," I said, leading the way. We had to be strategic about this; there was a lot to get through and I had no desire to walk back and forth across the store, so we were going to have to loop carefully around in an organized fashion.

Fortunately, Peter wrote the list, not Mom, which meant he had kept it neat and legible and mostly broken down by sections. Since Blade did not frequent groceries stores often (or ever, unless I dragged him along for a specific craving) and certainly didn't know the layout for this one, it meant I was in charge while he dutifully followed me around. It was nice to be in charge, and maybe I milked it a little bit, listing off what we needed aloud and he grabbed everything while I just walked him around and pointed at what we needed.

I did try to surf on the cart before it got too full, but that proved to be a bad idea. Using my bad leg to propel myself along like a skateboard with my good leg resting on the bottom rack was painful, and the reverse was also unpleasant.

Blade just gave me a look that screamed 'I told you so'.

"Yeah, yeah," I muttered, stepping aside so he could push it. "I'll be responsible now."

He sighed in a long suffering kind of way. "Get on the cart."


He went to stand by the carriage, one hand on the bar. "Put both feet on the cart."

My eyebrows shot up.

"Do you want to surf or not?" he said when I didn't move.

I grinned. Blade was being extra considerate these days and I had to say, I was loving it. Would it last? Probably not, but I was going to enjoy it anyway. I hopped up onto the cart, both feet planted on the bottom rack, hands tight around the cart bar.

"Holding on tight?" he asked, pushing us slowly around the corner to the bread aisle which was thankfully empty.


He sighed again, probably wondering why he was bothering to humor me and my childish antics, then he broke into a run, pushing the cart at top speed. Once we got nearly halfway, he hopped up onto the cart too, hands and feet planted on either side of mine, body pressed tight against my back so we could both squeeze onto the cart and coast the rest of the way.

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