Chapter 13: Straight Theory

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"Wow, this place is pretty cozy," Noah commented, settling in at a table. It was a down period during work, and Mick, Noah, and Katie had decided to swing by for a coffee and a visit. 

"Yeah, and you've got a pretty good selection," Mick said, shooting a knowing look over my shoulder. I turned to see Mike at the counter, wiping it down. 

"Hey, you've got a boyfriend, remember?" I said, waving my notepad at him. "And I think he's straight."

He huffed, crossing his arms. "I was just looking. I can appreciate beauty, can't I?"

"Mhm," I said doubtfully. "So what can I get you guys? And no, my coworker is not on the menu."

Mick stuck his tongue out at me while Noah asked for coffee, and Katie asked for a small cup of tea with a slice of chocolate ganache cake. Grudgingly, Mick also ordered coffee and a muffin, but his eyes stayed glued behind me. And they certainly weren't checking out our display of desserts. I tapped my notepad on his head to get his attention. 

"Alright, alright! I won't even look, happy?"

"Thrilled," I said sarcastically, making my way to the counter to get the orders in. 

"Did I just see you smack a client with your notepad?" Mike asked, eyebrow raised high as he paused in cleaning the counter.

I grabbed some mugs and starting pouring out their drinks, a little sheepish. "Yes, but in my defense, he's my friend."

"Good. I was beginning to wonder if your perfect customer service record was starting to slip," he teased, eyes on my friends.

"Me? Slip up? Pfft, never. I'm the queen of service," I said with a flourish of my hand. "I might just knock you out of the top spot as Kale's favorite."

Mike let out a booming laugh. "Yeah okay, newbie. I'd love to see you try."

"Don't count me out,  Mike. I'm scrappy, I can totally steal your spot," I warned, reaching into our display for the snacks. "I'll have you know, my teachers always said I was a delight to teach."

"Uh-huh. I'm terrified now," he said with a roll of his eyes, taking my tray of drinks. "These all go to your friends table right?"

"Yup, but I got it," I said, straightening up after coming up with a slice of cake and a muffin.

"And miss the opportunity to meet your friends? Fat chance. I wanna get the dirt on you," he said, a mischievous glint in his eye as he took off to their table.

I scrambled to follow him with my two plates, and he was already doing his over the top spiel when I got there. 

"Alright, so two coffees and a tea for our favorite customers," he said dramatically, handing out their drinks to them before tucking the tray under his arm. "I gotta say, we really love your girl Kiana. She's been a model employee since she started. Almost too perfect you know? It's suspicious."

"Mike..." I groaned, sliding the desserts to Mick and Katie. 

"Shh," he put his hand up to me, then leaned in closer to my friends. Mick looked like he was drooling, hand frozen midair with the muffin. Noah and Katie just shot me matching grins. Mike continued. "You gotta tell me there's something wrong with her. She's got some kind of flaw right? Like maybe she snores or she's actually a lizard in a human skin suit?"

"Well..." Mick said, seeming to snap out of his lovesick daze, finally putting the muffin plate down on the table where it belonged. He leaned forward earnestly, chin on his palm. "She is pretty selfish. She doesn't like to share, you know? That's why you never met any of us until now, she was clearly keeping you all to herself."

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