Chapter 86: Truth

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We entered one of the smaller foyers near the front of the house where we were meeting Jaime and Bryce to head out for the night, but she was the only one there.

"Hey, Jaime," Ace greeted her. Her hair was down and free from its bun now, her usual emotional support pen nowhere to be found, and that alone made her look more casual, even if her silk blouse and pencil skirt were still fancier than necessary for a lowkey night out. Her gaze flitted to our entwined hands with only the slightest widening of her smile.

"Bryce should be here shortly, he hit a bit of traffic," she said, cell phone in hand, presumably having just spoken to him.

"That's okay. Gives us some time to think of what to do tonight," Ace said, swinging our hands. "What do you think, darling?"

What to do tonight? Hmm, let me think. How about...literally anything but this? Maybe go home and cry for like six hours instead?

"Um...not sure," I said. What did normal people do when their entire lives weren't falling apart in front of their eyes? It wasn't like it mattered what we planned since we weren't going to do it anyway, but my brain had short-circuited so badly with this revelation and what was going to happen in the next few minutes that coming up with something as mundane as going out was too much of an ask.

"You know what I've been thinking about ever since we met that Josh guy? Laser tag. I think I'd kick your ass at that," he said.

"There's an offer I can't refuse," I said, arm tingling. I sagged sideways against Ace. "Oh." The sudden connection to Blade was a breath of relief so deep that for a brief split second, since the minute Blade and I found out everything was a lie, I finally relaxed, every part of my body unclenching at once. It was dizzying.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" he asked as Jaime started forward, but had already Ace caught and steadied me before she could the second I wobbled. His arm was firm around my waist, his other hand coming up to touch my forehead. "Jesus. You're paler than I am. Are you sick? You look like you're about to pass out."

It was a miracle I hadn't yet. The way this day was going, I wouldn't be surprised if I did, no matter how embarrassing the concept was. Then least being unconscious meant I wouldn't have to deal with the problem. 

"Blade is here," I whispered.

"What? Where? Is that what's wrong?" Ace asked, head whipping around the obviously empty room but Blade wasn't close enough for that yet, though he was making excellent time. I could almost feel his panic, though every inch he gained and got closer, the calmer I felt knowing I wouldn't be out here alone and if something went wrong, he would be here to help get me out.

I pointed to the opposite door with one shaking finger and both Jaime and Ace followed my direction, watching with a sort of grim anticipation, until Blade finally burst through the doors a few seconds later.

"What are you doing here?" I asked stiffly. I didn't have the capacity to be more accusing when all I wanted was for him to grab me and run like hell as far as we could get from this room. My toes scrunched inside my shoes, my body's half hearted reminder that I needed to stay put and chill and see this through right to the end.

"What do you think I'm doing here?" he retorted, eyes wild as they raked my frame. He relaxed marginally as he completed his check-over, but didn't lose his glare, in fact it only grew stronger as his gaze swept across Ace and Jaime, particularly at the way Ace was holding me upright. Blade was playing his part well, but he was also running in blind, had no idea what the hell had been waiting for him or why I had summoned him. For all he knew, someone had been actively trying to kill me when he felt my call.

"I don't know anything about you Blade, so how should I know?" I asked, stepping from Ace's side. Ace, uncertain but probably sensing it was best not to be so close in front of a very pissed off Blade, let me go. I wasn't sure how this was going to go down, but it was best to put some distance between us, just in case things went sour, so I wasn't in anyone's way. "Have you decided to finally admit to proposing to Eliza again? Or are you just going to keep pretending she doesn't exist for my benefit?"

Loren appeared behind Blade, but Ace waved him back. Loren looked firm, but mildly puzzled, looking from us to Blade and back again as he came around closer to Ace and I. Like we needed protecting from Blade. The thought was insane and my freshly returned panic almost turned into a fit of out of control giggles. I swayed on my feet, body jerking upright to compensate and counterbalance my dizziness.

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