Chapter 80: Human

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Blade POV

I hadn't wanted to come. Debated it all week, back and forth, and when Lexi tried to convince me to come to her stupid ball, I was even more sure that it was going to be a terrible fucking idea. Most things Lexi had her hand on tended to turn to shit, the opposite of Midas and his golden touch. 

But I went.

And it was even more uncomfortable than I thought it was going to be. My collar was tight around my throat like its entire purpose was to strangle me and the crowds of people felt more daunting than ever, pressing in on every side like the walls were closing in and pushing us closer together until we suffocated and were crushed to death.

This was the first time in a long time that I had shown up to an event without Kiana by my side; for the past year we had gone together to every ball, every dinner, every event. It felt indescribably wrong to be here without her, to not have her by my side, not have her hand in mine for a comforting squeeze to remind me that she was right there. Even though I could feel her presence here, we hadn't come together, weren't even speaking, and it was as claustrophobic and anxiety inducing as it was lonely.

Maybe my brain had completely broken after all, from dumping to Kiana to showing up at this stupid party which I knew was a set up, something had definitely come loose for me to act so colossally and ridiculously fucking idiotic.

And I was only proven right when I ran right into Eliza almost as soon as I arrived. Like she'd been waiting for me specifically to meet her here.

"Hi," she said shyly, smiling up at me like this wasn't the worse possible goddamn scenario to occur this evening. All I could was stare at her. I hadn't seen her in years, and now, twice in as many days with no warning? She had even dressed for the occasion, her hair piled into an familiar knot, curls cascading down, her dress simple and green like her eyes used to be, and the image jarred with memories of her wandering about town in dresses carefully picked out by her mother that Eliza always resented.

"How did you--?"

Was this part of Lexi's fucked up plan? Why in the world was Eliza here of all places? There was no way in hell Lexi would invite her when she'd made it clear she'd sooner kill Eliza than be civil, unless this party was actually a public execution.

She tilted her head to the side. "How did I what?"

"Blade," Raoul said, interrupting before I could come up with words, despite how my brain was already thumbing through all the millions of ways Eliza being here was a disaster and how to get rid of her before Kiana saw her, before anyone else noticed her presence, assuming they hadn't already if she'd been here a while. "Kiana is here."

"Yes, I'm aware, thank you," I said, the words sliding out through gritted teeth, trying to remain polite because it wasn't Raoul's damn fault any of this had happened, but this was clearly Hell masquerading as a party and I wanted out more than ever.

"That's what I figured, but I was dispatched to remind you anyway," he said, with a roll of his eyes as he went off to fulfill the rest of his duties, apparently not entirely aware of the situation in front of him. One small blessing, but overshadowed by something worse.

Lexi knew I was here. Tonight had already begun in a far fucking worse state than I ever could have imagined, yet somehow, I knew it would only get more catastrophic from here.

"I need a drink," I said and escaped the situation entirely, heading for the table to find a glass of blood or alcohol or arsenic or anything at all, I didn't give a single shit what, I just needed an excuse to get away and breathe and settle the panic growing inside me like a feral beast. The pull of my bond had me drifting right and I was helpless to resist, it had been ages since I'd seen Kiana, had no idea why she had even decided to show up here either unless Lexi found a way to convince her; there was no way Kiana was in on whatever Lexi was planning, that much I was sure of.

And then I turned and the world stood still, fading away as through the throngs of people I caught a flash of long brown hair and a smile I'd memorized long before I'd realized its owner had become my favorite person.

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