Chapter 27: Slow and Painful

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I woke to the smell of French toast, the sound of the kettle boiling, a heaviness in my limbs, and a burn in my arm that suggested something far worse was coming.

"Hey," Katie said, coming to sit by my feet on the edge of the couch. "How you feeling?"

My eyes watered immediately.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry," she said, panic in her voice.

"It's not you," I said, sniffling and wiping my face. "You're perfect. Don't know where I'd be without you--"

She came closer, bending over to hug me, her tiny frame reassuring and steady. "What happened last night?"

"It's over."

"Over?" she pulled back, arms still around me. "What's over?"

"Me and Blade. It's over."

The words hurt, dull and aching, in my chest. The confession didn't make me feel better, it only served to make me feel worse, to have no choice but to accept the reality of the situation now.

"You broke up-?!"

"He dumped me, weeks ago, but I thought maybe he was just mad and upset and needed to cool off, but he showed up to the party with his ex-"

"With Mona? I thought he hated her."

"Not Mona. Eliza. His first girlfriend, the first girl he ever loved, the only girl he ever loved, I can't believe I was so stupid--"

"She's not the only girl he ever loved. What about you? You moved in with him, he gave you a ring and--"

"And nothing. It meant nothing. Apparently, he was just settling for me because he couldn't have her, but now he does, and he doesn't need me anymore. I heard him loud and clear and--" a sob rose in my throat "-there's nothing I can do. It's over. We're done. He's done."

"I'm so sorry, Kiana. I don't understand it, he seemed so in love with you, we all saw it, how can all this happen so suddenly? Did he reach out to her or something?"

"No, she did. And I knew something about her and I didn't tell him, I was so afraid I was going to lose him, then she showed up, and it all blew up in my face and he was so mad at me and I lost him anyway." I ground my palms into my eyes, trying to physically stop these stupid tears from falling but they wouldn't stop and it felt like I couldn't breathe. "That day he was looking for me? She showed up and kissed him and I left, and then he acted like it meant nothing but he lied because he still loves her-" I couldn't get the words out anymore, my throat was tight with tears, and Katie just squeezed me tight until I could breathe normally again.

"I don't know what to do," I whispered, once I had calmed down enough to stop crying.

"I don't know either," she said, still hugging me. "I'm sorry, Kiana. I had no idea all this was going on, I wish I'd known, maybe there was something I could have done or maybe I could have helped or at least been there for you."

"There's nothing anyone could have done. I screwed up and didn't have a chance in hell. It was over for me the day she came back, I just didn't want to accept it." Didn't want to accept it, couldn't accept it, still had hope that he had changed, that he had grown and healed from the past hurt and was moving on. I was so insanely wrong. So damn stupid. "I'm sorry for dumping all this on you and imposing on you. You have your own life to deal with, you don't need me being a disaster in your new place and sleeping on your couch like the world's worst guest."

"What are you talking about? I'm so glad you're around! Being alone here all the time sounds so lonely and scary, I have no idea what I'm doing or how to be an independent adult. I was honestly relieved that you agreed to stay with me, I've never been alone before and I was terrified, and I've been having so much fun cooking and hanging with you, I've been dreading having to find a room mate because they couldn't possibly be as wonderful to have around as you."

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