Chapter 12: Weird People

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"So...who's the guy that drives you to work every day?"

I looked up at Mike briefly before continuing to wipe down a table. "Why?"

Mike shrugged, looking nonchalant as he pieced together the cappuccino machine now that it had been thoroughly cleaned. "He's hot. Just wondering who he was."

"Oh. Well he's my boyfriend," I replied, straightening up and moving on to the next table. I'd come in for a night shift and we were finally able to close up now that our last customers had left.

"Aren't you winning the boyfriend lottery? I guess it makes sense. Hot people inevitably find each other and revel in each other's hotness," he sighed dramatically.

"You think I'm hot?" I quirked an eyebrow at him.

"Oh please. As if you didn't know," he said with a roll of his eyes.

"I did. I was just surprised you agreed."

He burst out laughing. "Oh my God. Working with you is always a pleasure, newbie."

"Aren't you lucky I got hired then? Who else would make work this fun?" I teased as I wiped down one table with a rag.

"I'm sure there are plenty of people who are more fun, but for the moment you'll do," he replied.

"Wow. It's a good thing I have a healthy ego or else I'd be seriously impaired right now," I said dryly, throwing my rag at him. He ducked and then wagged a finger at me.

"Now, now, now. What would Kale say if he saw you throwing things?" he clucked his tongue disapprovingly and wagged his finger at me before he picked the rag off the counter and threw it back at me.

I caught the flying rag and went back to cleaning. "Well Kale isn't here right now so I think we're good." Though he did have a good point. I'd hate to get in trouble for something as stupid as goofing off and throwing a rag. I was liking this job so far and it would majorly suck to get fired.

"You never know, newbie. He could have that whole Big Brother thing going on. Always watching you..." he said in a sinister voice, then ended it with a cackle.

I just stared at him. "You know, you're really weird."

"And you're hot. We make the perfect team," he said, slotting the last piece of the cappuccino machine into its spot. He reached for the tip jar, where we were required to put all of our tips, and lifted it to show me. It was a decent sized jar and it was almost full.

"Damn! That's how much we made?" We were three tonight, but the other girl, Shawna, had left earlier so it was just the two of us for close. Even the bakers had left and the kitchen was spotless. Since we worked with the clients we were forced to stay until the last client had left, even if we had already technically closed. It was rather frustrating, but at least if it was a quiet night like tonight, we were allowed to do most of our cleaning, even if there was a client, since there was nothing else to do. All we had to do was clean the table the client had sat at, maybe pass a broom around their table, do what little dishes they may have had and we could leave. We had to split the tip between whoever was working, but apparently Shawna had forgotten to split it before going. Even then, three ways wasn't bad and there was a lot of money in that jar.

"I told you, we're a good team. Weird people who are attractive are charming. If you were ugly then it'd be creepy or annoying. But you're not so we made good tip," he said, shooting a dimpled smile my way before setting the jar back down.

"Glad I could contribute to the cause," I said, shaking my head. Sure the job only paid minimum wage, but tip certainly made up for it.

"Hey I'm serious. We don't usually make this kind of tip, especially on a not so busy night. You're definitely earning me some extra cash so I've got some major respect for you," he said, breaking out the broom and starting to sweep in between tables.

A Slave to Broken Hearts (A Slave to Love Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now