Do it for me? - 2

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14 days passed; The 2 love birds made much more friends. Skeppy had velvet, techno, vurb and Spifey while bad had ant, puffy, niki, Wilbur and tubbo.

But skeppy had been feeling.... A bit... different?
He started to act cold to everyone and anything around him.

"Are you okay?" Bad said, sounding concerned.

"I'm fine." Skeppy said in a sternly matter.

Bad didn't really believe him.

Skeppy looked around the hall, and saw a girl getting her stuff. "Hey love." Skeppy said with a mischievous grin.

"Yes muffin?" Bad said looking at him.

"Can you hit that girl?" Skeppy asked.

Bad looked at skeppy with pure shock. "Hit puffy?!"

"Uh yeah whatever her name is just go hit her please." Skeppy responded.

"But I don't wanna hurt puffy!" Bad stated, while sounding sad.

"Just... Do it for me—Please?" Skeppy asked with puppy dog eyes.

"Ugh fine..." bad sighed, and walked over to puffy.

"Sorry puffy..." Bad said while positioning to hit puffy.

"Huh?" Puffy let out, sounding confused.

Bad hits puffy in the face.

"OW, BAD WHAT THE HECK?!" Puffy groaned from the sharp second pain.

"I'm so sorry puffy! Skeppy wanting me to hit you.."
Bad started.

"Ugh, that nasty boyfriend of urs?" Puffy replied.

"He's not nasty, and yes my boyfriend." Bad answered.

"Well that wasn't right bad, you shouldn't have agreed to come over hit me." Puffy spoken.

"Ok.." Bad responded.

"Bad! Get over!!!" Skeppy yelled from afar.

"Coming skep!" Bad responded to skeppy.

"Sorry puffy, I gotta go. And sorry again!"
Bad stated before running off to skeppy.

"It's okay but don't do it again!" Puffy went back to doing her thing.

"Yes skeppy?" Bad said.

"Schools almost out—So wanna go out to the park after school?" Skeppy asked.

"Sure!" Bad replied smiling.

———-Time skip

"Babe!!" Skeppy greeted.

"Muffin!" Bad greeted back.

"Let's walk to the park, shall we?" Skeppy asked while taking bads hand.

"We shall." Bad giggled and took skeppys hand as well.

They both walked onward to the park and sat on a bench.

The bench was a bit rusty—but relaxing to sit on.

Bad leaned onto skeppy and felt his warmth, so he fell asleep after a couple minutes. Skeppy smiled and fall asleep, not too short after.

Once they woke up, they were faced with the stars in the sky.

"Woah the stars are beautiful!" Bad said looking up and standing in the moonlight.

"Yeah, but Not much as you." Skeppy replied, lovingly.

"Yeah!" Bad smiled and giggled but continued to look at the stars.

They both looked at the stars, then suddenly skeppy looked at bads shinny lips. He leaned closer to bad and kissed him on the lips. Bad kissed back and they kissed UNDER THE MOONLIGHT!

Spotlight uh, moonlight uh))

Moments later, skeppy fell deeply to sleep onto bads arms.

Bad looks at skeppy, smiling. "Oh skeppy, what could I ever do without you?"

He picked up skeppy and took him to his house. His mom opened the door and leaded him inside and to skeppys bedroom, he placed skeppy on skeppys bed and drew the shinny blue sheets on top of him.

"Goodnight, love dove." Bad said to skeppy before leaving the blue themed room.

"Night.... Love.... U..." Skeppy said, still asleep.

"Love you too." Bad said then turned the nob and left the room.

Skeppy smiled, happily.

Bad went home, and sleeped at his house.

Skeppy then, had the same dream as the one he had when he fell asleep in class. But this time... there was more to it..



The next day at school, Skeppy asked bad to hit someone again.

Bad hesitated.

Skeppy got mad that he started to hesitant and starting to react to it badly, he slapped bad.

"Why don't you hit them?!" Skeppy yelled.

"Because hitting someone is mean!" Bad replied stuttering, sadly.

"So your saying I'm mean?!" Skeppy asked, furious.

"What?! No!!!" Bad responded, wanting to cry.

"LIER!" Skeppy slapped bad again.

"Leave me alone." Skeppy said, sounding angry.

Bad left with tears running down his face.

"Stupid." Skeppy said, whispering under his breath but clearly bad heard it while fleeing the scene.


Bad told puffy what happened, and oh did papa puffy got so mad—she started to yell at skeppy.

Skeppy thought since bad is too naive, he'll start to comfort skeppy the moment he starts to cry.

Skeppy then cried, and to his defense bad came over and hugged skeppy, feeling bad.

Once the fake tears hit bads skin, bad started to feel dreadful. The tears felt like acid to him—Burning his skin, though that would be impossible(?).

Puffy got mad and asked, "why are you hugging this trash bag?"

"Because he's still my boyfriend!" Bad said in defense.

"Okay, but don't blame me if he treats you like shit." Puffy exclaimed.

"Language, puffy!" Bad said back.

Skeppy started to grin, he thought that maybe, if he plays with a bad a "little", this college year would be fun. But oh did he thought wrong...

———————-End of chapter Chapter 2

(Authors note)

Thank you so much for reading my new story—I never thought I would make an angst story, and I have to say I'm pretty mean. I'm gonna make skeppy such a terrible person, and I'm gonna be making bad having revenge AND I LOVE STORIES LIKE THIS SO IM SO EXCITED TO MAKE THIS STORY SO HAVE A GOOD DAY BYE PEEPS!!!

Quick disclaimer; Depending on how the story is going, there's a 50% good ending and a 50% bad ending sooo you guys will have to see for that 👀 BUT AAAAA IM SPOILING TOO MUCH UHHHH BYE!!!!

Story based from the song at the top.'

The hatred in his eyes (Skephalo angst)Where stories live. Discover now