Ignored - 7

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AUTHORS NOTE: AAAAA I'm so sorry! I just realized in college you don't have lockers so pretend this is high school! They're last year of high school, and let me tell you guys their ages is (16-18) ok that's it now :')


It was a new day, and a new day for skeppy being ignored. Well—Let's just say no one wanted to talk to skeppy today... because you know what.

Puffy told everyone skeppy knew to ignore him as a 'prank', which they agreed but some knew it was being serious and don't wanna talk to him.

Skeppy walks into the school building, a letter in one hand and nothing in the other. He knew, bad probably didn't wanna talk to him today so he'll just stick this letter into his locker, thiugh it may not be face to face, but how do you apologize when someone may wants to ignore you? He knew bad would ignore him but the others? He never thought about that..

He headed to the locker hall and quickly stuck the letter into bads locker making sure no one sees him. Then he tip toes away and onto his locker. He puts in the combination and dropped his book bag inside the locker. He took out the items he needed for his first class and went to his first class. Even though the bell didn't ring, he decided to get to his first class early to see his best buds.

He walks in the classroom and see techno talking with Wilbur. "Hey techno, hey Wilbur!" Skeppy greeted them. Techno, acted like he didn't hear him and continued to talk with Wilbur. They just... ignored him. Skeppy was a lil surprised that they weren't saying anything, so he cleared his throat. "Hello? Do you guys not hear me?" But they didn't budge. Not one word to skeppy from them.

"Weird." He thought to himself, then decided to talk to mega. "Hey mega!" Skeppy said to him, but mega acted like he didn't hear him nor seen him and just looked at the wall. "What?" Skeppy thought, "why isn't anyone speaking to me?"

He then stumbled on over to vurb and Spifey. "Sup guys!" Skeppy greeted, but not one word. Not a single word. Skeppy started to feel a bit sad that non of his friends would speak to him so he let out a sigh and went to his seat, his favorite seat. The one by the window. He looked out it, seeing the beautiful scenery once more.

He was mostly confused on why no one was speaking to him, he was clueless. He thought he would try after class, and so he did just that.

He tried talking to Sam, he tried talking to velvet, he tried talking to ant, he tried talking to sapnap, George dream possibly anyone he knew at school! But no one said a thing to him. He got upset, why would they be ignoring him? He thought to himself. Why me?

The day went by like he was alone, he was stranded in the dark. Felt like he had no one to come to, well except for his family. But we're talking about school.
He felt like he had no one, he had no one to talk to speak to. He was stranded, in a maze of emotions. He wasn't sure rather to be scared, sad, mad or dreadful. He just knew he couldn't be happy or disgusted.

Meanwhile, puffy loved watching skeppy suffered. Bad was still upset, so he didn't exactly loved it. "Puffy this isn't right." He started, "I know he did me wrong but doing him wrong?" Its just as worse of what he did. "Oh come on, bad." puffy replied, "it's fun." Then it sparked her. "Do you wanna change?" She asked him. "What?" He responded. "I said do you want to change?" She asked once more. He thought for a moment.

"Of course I do.. after what happened." He told her. Puffy grind, "then this is just the beginning." She told him.

(After school, with skeppys POV)

I got home, and walked through the front door.
My mom was in the kitchen cooking dinner, I assumed. "Not that good." I told her with a frown. "What happened?" She asked me. "Everyone's been ignoring me, and I don't know why." I answered.
"Well what did you do?" She stated, precisely a question.

"What." I said, I thought for a moment. Then it struck me, They know. They know how I've treated bad, they obviously know. "Mama, I know why..." I told her. She stopped her cooking and came over to me, "let's sit down on the couch, then explain to me." She told me. I nodded and we made our way to the couch and sat down.

"It all began when..." I told her the story, every bit and detail of it in the most understanding way possible. "Well, it looks like you've made a big mistake, sweetie." I sighed and let out a small cry. "I did.. and I don't know how to fix it!" I cried. My sister must have heard us because she ran dashing downstairs. "Why is my bro crying?!" She asked us.

"Dear, he made a big mistake at school. And is regretting everything of it." Skeppys mom said to skeppys sister. Skeppys mom, Mrs diamond looked over to her son. Then skeppys sister, naomi(made up name) sat next to them on the couch. "How about not going to school for a couple days?" She asked.
I gave her a sad smile, "I like that idea very much."


— — — — — — — — — —

SORRY FOR THIS SHORT CHAPTER, I had no more really ideas left for being ignored but trust me, the last chapter will be much more longer. Hoped you enjoyed and again, the baker boy's next chapter won't be out for awhile. Thanks for reading, and remember, Keep on reading, keep on imagining. (Word count: 1006)

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