Pushed every button - 4

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"So did you get a girlfriend?" Bad asked berry.

Skeppy looked up in shock.

"Hmm not yet sadly.. all the girls I liked keep on rejecting me." Berry responded, with a look with sadness.

Skeppy was surprised, and thought, "I guess she's not an option anymore."


Skeppy and bad were walking in the hallway then Skeppy had an idea.

Skeppy looked over to bad. "Hey bad?"

"Yeah geppy?" Bad responded.

"Can you curse for me?" Skeppy asked bad.

"W-what..?" Bad stuttered.

"I asked can you curse for me." Skeppy said sternly.

"I'm not sure about that Skeppy.." bad said.

"Awww why not?" Skeppy wined.

"Because I don't like swear words and nor do I like saying them." Bad replied.

"Ugh.." Skeppy got angry then slapped bad.

"W-why did you do that?.." bad stuttered once more.

"Because your pathetic!" Skeppy exclaimed.

Hearing those words, made bad very upset that he ran straight into the bathroom.

Once he got into the bathroom, he ran to one of the stalls and locked the door.

He collapsed onto the hard solid concrete floor. Tears falling from his eyes and onto his cheeks.

"Why is skeppy hurting me..?" Bad pondered. "What did I ever do to him..?" He asked himself that over and over to himself.

After 10 minutes, bad got up and wiped his tears and opened the bathroom stall and went out of the bathroom.

"Hey bad!" Ant greeted.

"Oh hey ant.." Bad said, sounding sad.

"Are you ok?" Ant asked, noticing the sadness in his voice.

Bad breathed "N-no..."

"What happened?" Ant asked while moving closer to him.

"Skeppy keeps on hurting me!" Bad exclaimed sadly.

"Ugh Skeppy is such a bitch." Ant said

"I'm gonna go tell this to puffy!" Ant told bad.

"What?! No!" Bad said but it was too late, Ant was already leaving down the hall.

"Oh no..." bad said to himself.


"SKEPPY DID WHAT?!" Niki exclaimed, clearly being shocked.

"UGH HES GONNA GET IT!" Puffy reassured

"He can't just fucking do that!" Dream yelled.

"That's really messed up." George said

"And I thought that man was cool, and I definitely thought wrong." Sapnap told them.

Puffy ran down the hall to find skeppy, and oh boy was skeppy in for treat.

(Skeppys POV.)

I was changing in and out of my stuff in my locker when all of a sudden I hear puffy screaming my name.

"SKEPPY!!!" She screamed, anger in her voice.

The hatred in his eyes (Skephalo angst)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant