Manipulation - 3

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Authors note: This story is mainly spectating skeppy's side of story. (End of authors note)


Skeppy was dreaming peacefully in his blue themed room, on his Cyan bed when all of a sudden his alarm went off. He got startled and fell of the bed.

"Ouch.." Skeppy said, just waking up.

"This is such a bad way to wake up... ugh." Skeppy looked at the floor annoyed.

Skeppy got up and went to turn of his alarm. He then walked over to the closet and grabbed out a blue derpy hoodie and some blue dark ripped jeans and some black converses.

He slipped them on, then headed to the doorway, pulling open the knob and walking out the room into the downstairs, there he saw his mom.

"Hi sweetie." His mom said in a raspy voice.

"Hello mom, how are you doing?" Skeppy asked his mom.

"I'm doing alright sweetie don't worry about me." She started to cough.

"Mom!" Skeppy said in a panick and rushed over to his mom.

"Did you take your pills today?" Skeppy asked while comforting his mom.

"Yes.. yes I did." His mom lied. But Skeppy believed her.

"Okay that's good, I really do hope you get better soon. Are the hospital bills going up?" Skeppy asked, worriedly.

"They.. have.. I guess you can say the disease is kicking in.." His mom said while stuttering.

Tears came running down. "I'll try to get the money, I'll start working for you mom." Skeppy said while tearing up.

"Oh my baby, don't worry about me! You have such an incredible life ahead from you, don't take it all away for me." His mom said while smiling.

"You should head to school before your late." She told him.

"Okay..." Skeppy said, not knowing what to say but was very scared for his mom.

Skeppy grabbed his bag and headed over to the front door. "Bye mom, Cya after school." Skeppy told his mom.

"Bye my son, have an amazing day at school." His mom said waving goodbye and smiling.

Skeppy returned the smile and nodded, he opened the door and went out into the busy world around him.

Skeppy made his way onto the bus and was greeted by his lover.

"Hey muffin!" Bad greeted.

"Hi bad." Skeppy greeted back.

Skeppy got to his seat next to bad and starting staring out the window.

"What's wrong?" Bad asked.

"Nothing.." Skeppy replied.

Skeppy then thought why not asking for money, he won't ask why right?

"Hey uh bad." Skeppy started.

"Yeah?" Bad looked at him.

"Can you lend me some money?" Skeppy asked nervously.

"Oh uh sure.." bad replied before going into his pocket. "How much?" He asked.

"Err uh... 30?" Skeppy responded.

Bad nodded and grabbed out 30 from his pocket. He passed it down to skeppy and skeppy gotten it.

"Thanks" Skeppy said to bad.

Skeppy placed the 30$ in his pocket and stared into space. Well until—This one girl got in the bus.

The hatred in his eyes (Skephalo angst)Where stories live. Discover now