Hes afraid of me..? - 5

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"Puffy are you sure?" Bad asks puffy, while shaking his hands. "What if I get out of character?" He gulps.
Puffy sighed, "It'll be fine bad, Plus skeppy deserves his karma for being a douchbag."

Bad nods, "wish me luck, puffy." Bad forces a smile and makes his way while puffy yells back, "Will do!" With a smile.

Bad walks into the locker hall, and heads directly to his locker. Him and skeppy always meet up at the locker at this time. Bad looks at his watch on his wrist, reading 12:29.

"He should be here soon.." Bad thought to himself, he opened his locker and exchanged his stuff. Walking near bad, comes a black haired diamond boy, with his bag on his shoulders slouching.

Bad saw at the corner of his eye, skeppy approaching he takes in a breath and let's it go. "Time to start acting." He thought while prepared.

"Hey bald boy!" Skeppy greeted bad, bad looked over to him, forcing a frown. "Bad?" Skeppy tried, no answer. The brown haired before him started a tear down his face.

"Bad what's up?" Skeppy asked, knowing somethings wrong. Bad starts to back up, skeppy touches his hand and bad started to flinch and stuttered. "S—st—stay a—Aw—away!" Bad threw, Skeppy looked at him in total shock.

"Aye what are you doing to bad, skeppy?!" Puffy came towards them. "This shouldn't be how to treat yours Manz!" Puffy started, comforting bad like he's her child. "I didn't do anything to him!" Skeppy replied back.

"Well clearly you did if he's crying!" Puffy said, furious. Bad starting to speak, sounding like a loud whisper. "P—puffy.. H-he's S—sc-scaring me!" Bad drew out more tears to follow. "Look what you did skeppy! He's now afraid of you!" Puffy yelled, directly at skeppy.

"W—what?..." Skeppy was devastated, not believing his and hers words. "That can't be true!" Skeppy tried. "Bad would never be afraid of me!" Skeppy looked down, "r—right?" Puffy glared at skeppy, "well he is, and it's your fault."

Skeppy was speechless, bad afraid of skeppy? What?! No way! It couldn't be possible.. or could it? Puffy and bad walked away from skeppy and the lockers, tears forming in skeppys eyes.

"This has to be a prank.. right?" Skeppy thought, and continued to his locker. Exchanging his items, getting his books for his next class. Skeppy had such a created look inside his locker, There was Blue Diamonds, Gold crowns, Japanese sign for beginniners, and lastly a photo of him and bad when they first met.

He closed his locker and glanced at bads locker, still opened. Inside of bads locker, it looked very creative as well as it was with skeppy. But, In bads locker there was demon ears and tail, Red rubies, muffins, and lastly a photo of him and skeppy. Skeppy sighed and closed bads locker then headed to his next class.

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"Are you sure that wasn't too rough? We literally saw him cry muffins." Bad said, not crying or scared anymore, just concerned. "It's fine bad, he's getting his karma. Plus, this is only the beginning.." Puffy replied with a grin. "Oh muffins.." Bad said with a sigh.

"Anywho, we should probably head to class, bad." Puffy said while getting up, They were in the library sitting on comfy cushions. "Yeah, let's go!" Bad exclaimed while getting up and dashing through the library door.

"No running!" Yelled the librarian from her desk.
"Sorry about the running, Mrs lee!" Puffy said before officially leavin the library. "Kids these days." The Liberian sighed. Puffy and bad made it just in time before they were actually late.

Skeppy was in the same class as them, but well—He drifted to sleep 5 minutes ago. Puffy insisted on sitting next skeppy, but bad shook his head meaning he got this. Puffy gave a thumbs up and sat next to sam.

In the classroom, There was about 10 or more students. Dream sat next to george, sapnap sat next to Karl, Quackity sat next to Charlie(slime), Fundy sat next to 5up, velevet sat next to ant, Techno sat next to Wilbur, Sally sat next to rose, And finally Spifey sat next to vurb, oh and mega sat with himself.. or if A6D ever came to school mega would sit next to him.

Puffy also sat next to Sam and bad also sat with skeppy but—MOVING ON! The teacher suddenly noticed the sleepy state skeppy was in, and started to speak. "Hey brown hair, wake up that dumbass next to you." A guy in a red T-shirt said.(TURNED AROUND 😂)

"Okay." Bad turned to skeppy, not having any idea on how to wake up skeppy. He tapped him on the shoulder, he didn't awoke. He shook skeppy, but that didn't work at all. Bad could have kissed him, but no. He slapped him in the face! JUST KIDDING HAHA!! (That would be funny though) Instead, He yelled "MUFFINHEAD" into skeppys ear and skeppy was wide awake.

"Huh?!! What??" Skeppy looked around in confusion. "We're in class, skeppy." Bad said, assumingly to answer the question in Skeppys mind. Skeppy let out a sigh, "oh." Everyone looked back up at the board and started to learn about different formulas to different equations.

Finally, class was dismissed. Everyone left their class and went to their lockers to grab their stuff for the next class. Puffy looked over to bad before heading to her locker, giving the signal for "act 2." He nodded and went over to his locker, skeppy was already there.

Even though you couldn't see it, Skeppy was upset at the fact bad was afraid of him. Any resort of communication would exclude into any outburst of anger at any moment. Bad opened his locker and cleared his throat, "hey skeppy."

"B—bad?" Skeppy looked over. Bad nodded and started to put away his past items and grabbed items he needed for his next Class.


Bad sighed, this wasn't part of the plan but they for sure made a plan B for all acts, but he was more surprised on what had happened next..


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AAAAA IM SO SORRY THE LACK OF UPDATE ON BOTH "Hatred in his eyes." AND "Baker that become royalty." IM VERY SORRY!! I just thought what I already done for "Baker that became royalty" Next chapter didn't sound good so I have to rethink the chapter over, And I didn't have ideas for this chapter so I just now made it but I do hoped you enjoyed!

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The hatred in his eyes (Skephalo angst)Where stories live. Discover now