Chapter 17 : Hanging Out With Exo K Part 1

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Next day
It was a hot cloudy afternoon, I decided to stay at home with little brain. I was sitting on the couch with my laptop on my lap. Jin was coloring the angry bird book while humming random songs from school.
"Twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you are...." That was what Jin sung.
I sighed and wanted to cry as I unconsciously clicked on the picture file of me and Luhan. We were happy together back then. I still couldn't believe that we really broke up already. His smile, his baby face, his sweet laugh...I missed those things very much. I looked up to hold back my tears.
"Mommy, are you crying?" Jin asked innocently. Since when did he come?
" It's just...there's something in my eyes" I wiped my eyes.
"'re liar. Mommy is really crying. Do you miss daddy?" God! I bet, he learned how to tease from Kai.
"A..ani...told you there's dust in my eyes"
"Big brain is a liar too, I'll tell daddy you cry because you miss him"
"Don't even think and don't even dare to tell him like that"
"Why?" Aish this boy!!!
"Because I don't miss him"
"Then why did you cry?"
"I said I didn't cry"
"Liar!!! Blahhh" He said then stuck his tongue at me and quickly ran away. Psh!!! This stubborn headed!!!
Then my phone vibrated. I grabbed it and answered.
'Noona!!! It'th (it's) me, Sehun' His childish and lisp voice echoded from my phone loudly.
"Ahhh calm down, my ears almost pop out because of your voice"
'thorry (sorry)'
"What's up?"
'I got your number from hyung' I didn't ask at all. ^_^!
"Mm go ahead"
'We're going to pick you up to somewhere'
'You'll see. Just prepare, we'll be there in five minutes'
"H..hey.." But he already hung up. Awww!!
"Go to change your clothes, we're going out"

I and Jin were dragged in the car by Sehun and Chanyeol. And now, we ended up standing in front of the Lotte world.
"Is it the great place you told me Sehun?" I raised my eyebrow at him.
"Yep!" Sehun firmly replied.
"What are we waiting for? Let's go!!!" I shouted grabbing Jin's hand and ran into the Lotte world.
"Wait up Noona!" Sehun ran after me followed by Chanyeol.

Baekhyun's part
Baekhyun was sitting on his bed reading book then his phone vibrated on the nightstand beside the bed.
'We're going to pick you up in five minutes, so prepare!'
"Wh...Aish!" The other side hung up. Baekhyun tossed his phone on the bed and continued to read his thick book.
Five minutes later
"Hyung!!!!" D.O opened the door yelling loudly. Baekhyun slowly fixed his glasses and looked up from the book shooting D.O a cold stare.
"Lower your voice before come in D.O!" he said in steady but annoying voice. D.O pouted as Suho walked toward Baekhyun taking the book from his hands.
"Don't stress yourself in this gray room. Let's go with us" Suho said, Baekhyun sighed.
"Leave me alone" He said taking back his book but Suho tossed it onto the nightstand.
"I'm begging you hyung" Kai made puppy eyes at Baekhyun.
"Kai, don't do something like that I want to vomit" D.O acted like he was going to throw up. Kai threw a pillow into his face.
"Hyungggg..." Kai tugged Baekhyun's arm. Baekhyun looked at Suho and then let out a deep sigh.

"Woooo Hoooo!!!! Rollercoster!!! Wait for me!!!" D.O shouted and ran toward rollercoster.
"Oh look! Sehun and AhnNa are on the rollercoster!" Kai pointed to the roller-coster where Sehun and AhnNa were.
"Sehun and AhnNa are here so it means that Little Jin and Chanyeol are here, too, right?" Kai pretended to ask Suho.
"Ye...Yes that's right...right" Suho nodded rubbing his neck. He tried to look away from Baekhyun's gaze. But it was the Baek! His friends might not know about him but he actually read his friends like a book.
"Is there quiet place in this hell?" Baekhyun raised his eyebrows at Suho.
"Are you kidding me, hyung? It's Lotte world!!!" Kai laughed mockingly.
"Baek..." Suho said sadly.
"Ok ok don't act like that" Baekhyun quickly walking away.
"Where are you going, Dude?"
"Aish! This boy!" Suho shook his head while Kai just shrugged his shoulders.

AhnNa's POV
"Ahhhhh!!!!!!" I screamed my lung out as the rollercoster went down and down in very fast speed.
"Woooo! Hooooo!" Sehun raised his hands in the air screaming his heart out. It's great!!!
At last I and Sehun rushed to the store to buy something to drink.
"Where are Chanyeol and Jin?" I asked
"Wait! I'll call him" Sehun pulled out his phone from his pocket and dialed to Chanyeol and then put the phone to his ears.
"Hyung, where are you?"
"Really? Yes, we'll be there" He hung up and dragged me to somewhere.
"Where are we going?" I asked while running with him.
"You'll see. It's our great place, too" Great place again? Shhh this boy!

After ran from the hell
"We're here, Noona" In front of us was the Ice rink.
"There they are, Noona" Sehun grabbed my hand running toward Chanyeol who was waving his hands at us. There, I saw Suho, D.O, Chanyeol and Baekhyun. Suho and D.O were busy putting the ice skates on, Chanyeol was smiling at me. And Baekhyun was sitting handsomely at the corner. Tch! Cold as ever! But...
"Where are Kai and Jin?" I asked worriedly.
"Jin's with Kai over there" Chanyeol pointed his lips to them. I followed his gaze. I saw Kai was holding Jin's hands to help him balance on the ice skates.
"Mommy!!!" When he saw me he called out, I waved at him.
"Come on AhnNa, wear the ice skates. We'll have fun together" Suho handed me a pair of ice skates. I grabbed it hesitately.
"I...I can't skate" I said sheepishly.
"I think I just sit down and watch"
"Noona, don't you know, we have a best teacher here?" D.O winked at me.
"Who?" I frowned, Chanyeol chuckled nodding his head to Baekhyun direction. Baekhyun?
"Baekhyun??" I narrowed my eyes.
"Yep!!!" They all nodded.
"You know? Hyung was my teacher" Sehun said with a smile and then skated toward Jin and Kai, followed by Suho and D.O. Chanyeol grabbed my wrist dragging me toward Baekhyun.
"Hyung! There's a new student, please, teach her well" Chanyeol forced me to sit beside Baekhyn.
"I count on you, hyung. AhnNa fighting!!!" He winked and skated away. I bit my lip as I didn't know what to do.
"Wear the ice skate" He said with his normal voice.
"Are you deaf?"
"Deaf tortoise!"
"Yah, I'm not a tortoise!" I yelled at him. He smirked and lowered his body to put on the ice skates.

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