Chapter 62 : Hot Battle

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Baekhyun's POV
I couldn't find AhnNa anywhere, I told her to wait for me but she didn't. Fear was filling my heart, did she run away from me? Or something is happening to her? Shhh! I walked back and stayed in the room while trying to call her but no one picked the phone up. I walked out of the room and found Jing was watching TV in the living room.
"Did AhnNa come back this afternoon?" I asked.
"No, I think unnie is with you until now, isn't she?" She sat up straight looking at me curiously.
"No! After appa called me, I had to go to company and dropped her in front of the house this afternoon, didn't she come in?"
"I stayed home entire day, but I didn't see her came back at all. Oppa, is something wrong?"
"I'm not sure either...."
"Did you call unnie's house?"
"Already, they said she's not there and no one picks up AhnNa's phone..."
"Aish! Oppa, come on, what if something bad happen?"
"..." I blinked my eyes looking at Jing in thought. Jing frowned worriedly. Where would she go? Then my phone vibrated, I took a look and found one message received from unknown number.

From: Unknown

Hello...Mr. Poker face. It's nice to tell you that your beautiful wife is safe with us right now, but I'm not sure about a few minutes later if you don't show up. I would like to inform you that, you have to come alone, ALONE! You're clever enough not to let anyone know about this, right? To help your wife or she'll face a very extremely terrible thing with us...come alone! No more trick!

Shhhhh!!!!!! Big trouble here!
"Who is that Oppa? Is it Unnie?"
"Yes, she messaged me that she wants to meet me somewhere" I had to lie, AhnNa would be safe.
"Oh, really? Good to hear that nothing happen. Come on, go then. Enjoy your date" Jing sighed in relief and smiled. I nodded and went out of the house. AhnNa, please stay safe, I don't want to lose anymore, only hyung was too much already.

AhnNa's POV
Tears rolled down my cheeks as they laughed with each other after they messaged to Baekhyun.
"I could imagine his expression now, Clueless hahahahas" That guy said and laughed loudly like an idiot. I shook my head at him. You wondering who he was, right? This guy was an devil in an angel body, Kim Jiwook. A guy who Baekhyun used to tell me that he's fake. Now, I believe what Baekhyun told.
"Why are you doing this, Kim Jiwook?" I asked hurtfully. He turned to me with a smirk. He's so evil and cruel, just to see his face right now, not like before that I knew him back then at Baekhyun's hometown.
"You know how much Baekhyun hates me, right? Do you know why he hates me? Shh, I bet you don't know because that guy never tells you"
"But... why you want to hurt him?"
"Actually, there's a reason...but I think you should ask your husband if he and you can survive your life after this!"
"You bad guy!!!"
"Of course I'm bad, Baekhyun hates me because I'm bad!"
"You're really crazy...."
"I know that too" I bit my lip glaring at him as he smirked at me.
"Yoon Jieun! You love Baekhyun, right? Why would you do this?" I asked turning to her. She looked at me with her evil smirk.
"It's because he loves you! So you're the reason that I'm doing this. It's your fault!"
"So...kill me then, don't hurt him!" I said firmly.
"Wow wow wow such a sweet wife you are! I've envied Baekhyun already!" Jiwook said mockingly.
"I beg you don't hurt him, Jiwook"
"He's the one who begs for his life, not you!!!!"
"Maybe in your dream, Kim Jiwook!" I widened my eyes as I heard Baekhyun's voice. No!!!!
"Baek! You have to run away! This guy will kill you!" I shouted at him. Baekhyun walked handsomely approaching us. The gang rushed toward him and gathered around Baekhyun like the last time he saved me. But what different was this is no kidding and it was very dangerous.
"Baek!!" Yoon Jieun ran toward Baekhyun but he stopped her.
"Don't come near me!" She stopped but smiled evilly at him.
"Look, Baek! Your wife is in danger now!"
"Let her go!"
"Will you love me if I let her go?" Baekhyun looked down at her and then moved his gaze to me. I shook my head at him signing him to move away.
"Do you know love?" He asked her.
"I love you"
"It's not love!"
"I don't care!" Baekhyun didn't say anything but pushed her away as she tried to touch his face. Jiwook came behind me and put a knife onto my neck. I held my breath as I felt coldness on my skin.
"Look! Baekhyun, I wait a long time for this day! You always look at me with hatred, don't you? Sometime I wonder why, while I'm your brother's friend and I tried to be friend with you as well..."
"What you've done, you know. But maybe you don't realize that no one knows about your bad side...and I'm sure it's not the only reason that you want to hurt me" Baekhyun said steadily. Come on Baekhyun, it's not time to act cold anymore!
"How smart you are Baekhyun. No wonder Baekhyung was so proud of you back then. Tell you, I envy you and Baekhyung from the first day you went to our hometown and one more thing, do you remember a guy you have beaten up and then sent to the hospital last year? Actually, he's my brother. First, I want to say thank you to you that you sent him to hospital but I have no choice to teach you a lesson that you hurt my brother. It's a big reason why I'm doing this" Jiwook said hurtfully. I felt bad about his brother too, but I bet his brother did something bad to Baekhyun, so that Baek beat him up.
"I'm sorry to hear that he's your brother but tell you, your brother was addicted to drug that time, he tried to threaten me for money and kill me as well..."
"It doesn't mean you should beat him to death like that!!!!!" Jiwook cut Baekhyun off angrily.
"So you have to lose someone you love like me!" Baekhyun widened his eyes as Jiwook took a gun out and put it on my temple.
"Wait!" Baekhyun shouted worriedly.
"Hsss!!! You know what you should do, right?" Jiwook hissed satisfyingly.
"What do you want me to do? Just let her go! She's not your goal"
"But she's my goal as well!" Yoon Jieun stated. I shook my head furiously.
"Don't! Baekhyun, don't follow what he says, you'll be hurt!!!"
"Shut up!!! You're not supposed to say anything" I bit my lip shaking my head at Baekhyun as tears rolled down my cheeks nonstop. Baekhyun tried to avoid my eyes as well. Baekhyun, please, don't!!!
"Beat him like he did to my brother!!!" Jiwook shouted at the gang.
"NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed my heart out as the gang started to hit Baekhyun to the ground. I cried out and struggled hard in rope around my body.
"Please, please! Stop! Baek, I beg you, please fight back!!!" I tried to release myself until I felt my arms and shoulder was sore by the rope.
"Hahaha!!!! Serve you right, Byun Baekhyun!" Jiwook laughed crazily. I bit my lips until it bled and closed my eyes tightly didn't want to see him in pain. I could hear Baekhyun's soft groan that made my heart ached a lot. It was hurt, hurt more than when he took revenge on me, more than Lulu left me, more than misunderstanding between me and him so far. Please, survive this Baekhyun.
"Baekhyun, Baekhyun...please!!! Stop this, just kill me instead!!!" I cried out loudly. Baekhyun was on the floor, his head, his forehead, lips...were covered with blood. I looked at him with tears all over my face, he stared back at me and mouthed 'I love you, I'm sorry'. I nodded sobbing.
"I understand, I got it, Baek! But tell me later, you're alright, right?" I said between my sob. He smiled weakly.
A loud sound of the door bagging echoed the hall followed by a group of figures walked in.
"Let them go!!!" I smiled as I saw Suho and the other came in the hall.
"Unnie!!!!!! Are you ok?" Jing was the last one came in.
"Oppa!!!!" Jing screamed as soon as she saw Baekhyun's lying body. She was about to run to him but Chanyeol caught her hand pulling her back and pushed her to Sehun.
"Help! Help Oppa!!!! Let me go, jerk face! Don't you see Baek oppa is dying!!!" Jing shouted in tears as she tried to release herself from Sehun but Sehun didn't let her go.
"Yoon Jieun! You're Bad girl! How can you do this to my Oppa? You freaking bad girl!!!" Yoon Jieun looked a shame when Jing cursed her like this but didn't know what to do.
"Don't come any closer, if not I'm not sure they still alive or not!" Jiwook threatened as he pointed the gun to Baekhyun while Yoon Jieun put the knife on my neck. They stood still, afraid that if they moved Jiwook would shoot Baekhyun or Yoon Jieun would stab me.
"Fine! Just don't kill them" Suho said and EXO-K raised their hands to surrender
"I count on you, EXO-K!" Baekhyun said trying to get up difficultly. I sobbed as I saw him in this state. Jing was pulled by Sehun into his arms. She cried into his chest loudly like a child crying in her father's embrace.
"Fighting!!!" As Baekhyun yelled that word, I found he kicked the gun out of Jiwook's hand and meanwhile EXO-K attacked the gang immediately. Kai jumped in and fought with Jiwook giving this chance for Baekhyun to run to me, he quickly knocked Yoon Jieun's hand to drop the knife and Jing came to my side and released the rope from me. Baekhyun held Jieun in his hands and then tied her with a rope, he was so weak but he managed to tie her tightly. EXO-K tried hard in the battle. As I was free from the rope I ran toward Baekhyun. But I widened my eyes as I saw a man came up from behind Baekhyun with a knife.
"Baek, watch out!!!!" My mind was blank, what in my mind that time was to save Baekhyun. I ran quickly and pulled him, turning him around and I got stabbed instead. I felt numb on my shoulder as the pain started to spread through my body.
"UNNIE!!!" I felt pain and my eyes blur as I fell into Baekhyun's arms.
"Baek! I...I love you too..." And everything became dark.
"AhnNa, I'll not forgive myself if you leave me!!!!!!!!!! That's what I heard before my mind went down.

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