Chapter 19 : Wedding Day

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I was walking on the red carpet with my arms linking with my father in a church. A million pair of eyes were digging on my face and body with their smile on. Was I marrying? Yes! I was walking toward my husband who stood on the stage with D.O and Suho behind. They were freaking handsome with that suits on.
My father handed my hand to Baekhyun and he took it gently. My hand trembled nervously. Now, we were standing in front of the priest who kept saying something about marriage or whatever. And I just knew what I should say was
"I do" And as same as him
"I do"
"Now you may kiss the bride" Finally, that part came, I hated it!
I faced Baekhyun who had his poker face on. I bit my lip as he leaned toward me for a kiss. His small soft lips met mine just a few second. The sound of cheering echoed in the hall. I blushed hardly trying to hide my red face. Jiyoung nudged my back.
I and Baekhyun walked along the path under the flying flowers. I forced a smile because of my smiling parent. I could see the happiness and satiation in their eyes that made me feel guilty. Omma was wiping her tears, the tears of joy. Jin smiled at me and winked at Baekhyun. Ah fishy moment, what was that for?
Now all of the relatives and friends were standing in front of the church to take photos. Baekhyun and I had to fake a smile. We were forced to smile by happy viruses Chanyeol and Sehun. But because of their funny faces and gestures, I burst out in laughter while Baekhyun just let out a simple smile but I could tell that was a very beautiful smile of him. I had never seen his smile that came out from his heart, the pure smile that money could not buy. I admitted I loved his smile.
Finally! Finally I could rest and released myself from that tight dress.
Now, I was in the car with Baekhyun at the driving seat. We were on the way for our honey moon. I said 'Honey Moon', liked it meaningless, right? Yes, I didn't feel excited at all. I meant I didn't feel like we were newlywed or something.
I cleared my throat looking at him.
"Where are we going?" I asked
"My mother's hometown"
"Oh" It sounded good. I remained silent and went to sleep.

I woke up when I heard someone call my name. I opened my eyes, fiding Baekhyun got out of the car. I quickly opened the door. As soon as I saw the place clearly my eyes widened because of the view in front of my face. I was standing in front of a white house. It was not too big nor small. There were many trees around the area. Under the tall trees there were a lot of kinds of flowers. Some were in the flowerpots and some were hang on the trees. I was capturing because of the scene, it was really beautiful.
"Agssi! Agassi!" I snapped out of my thought when someone called me. I found an old woman was staring at me with her gray eyes. She was in her fifties I guess. She smiled at me, I smiled back. Her smile was kind. I liked it, I liked smiling.
"Are you Goo AhnNa sshi?"
"Yes, I am. And Ajuma?"
"I'm the house keeper, Soona. Call me Auntie will be good"
"Yes, auntie"
"You seem like this place already, don't you?" I smiled nodding.
"I'll show you everything then, you'll love it. But now, get in the house first"
"Err...where is Baekhyun?" I looked around to find Mr. Heartless.
"Young master probably in his room already" Young Master? It sounded new for me. Then she led me into the house. I gasped as I saw everything in the house. It was very great. There was a big tree stood in the corner of the house, it was over the roof, a small round pond was under the tree protecting the rain from flowing into the house. The whole house was made by wood excepted the outside was white by painting. There was only one room up stair and it was Baekhuny's room, my room too. There was kitchen at the left side while library was under Baekhyun's room. There were two more rooms facing the tree. Soona auntie told me that this house was built for vacation for Bakhyun and his family, but mostly for Baekhyun who liked to relax a lot during his holiday. The balcony was the place which I loved the most. There was a leader linking to a tree and from the tree to the pond at the back of the house which I found a lot of kinds of fish there.
I thought I was going to love this house more and more. The more I knew the more I loved.

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