Chapter 5 : Fine(You're Leaving Part 2)

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Hi guys! It's me, Hannah. I have been editing the story so yeah. Pardon my bad grammar or vocab. It may not be that good but I'm trying to improve it! And, this is my first time writing here! Well, here goes nothing!

--- Fine ---

"Hey, Cia. I need to blindfold you. It's gonna be a surprise!" Zach smiled.

"Ugh.. Fine. But make sure I don't trip over something then I shall bleed and die! If I were to die, I will bring you with me!" I warned Zach before hand.

He laughed it away. Well, he knew that I was just kidding around and I know he will take care of me. H turned me around and blindfolded me.

"Can you see anything?" Zach finally said.


"Can you see my hand?"


"Can you see what number am I showing?"

"For the love of god! I cannot see anything! And now you are asking me if I can see your hand or whatever shit that is!? Seriously?!" I yelled, losing my temper.

"Geez.. Chill, babe. Chill. Breathe in and out," He pulled me close to him and he muzzled into my neck. God, why?! Why must you do that, Zach?

"F-fine. I'm chilled," I stuttered.

Zach pulled away. Suddenly, I felt empty. I want Zach to be close to me. I want to feel him against my body. He cleared his throat and said he would guide me to the "secret place". I nodded. He grabbed my hand and my breath caught in my throat. He pulled me and looked out for me. I felt like a child guided by a big brother.

We finally stopped and he removed the blindfold from my eyes. It took a moment for my eyes to adjust to the brightness. When my eyes have finally adjusted to the lights, I was shocked! There were lights and streamers everywhere! There were also musicians playing old love songs. I guess it's Beethoven or Mozart or something.

He asked me to sit down at the picnic area. There were sandwiches and orange juice. I started eating before he asked me to. He just looked and chuckled. I ignored him till I remembered something.

"Yo, Zach. You said that you have something important to tell me. So, what is it??" I asked curiously.

"Erm, well.. You see, I, erm.." He ran his hands through his hair uncomfortably.

"Dude, just say it. I can see something bad is coming, Just, spit it out, man,"

"Fine. I'm moving to England to live with my birth parents ok? So, I can't go to college with you," Zach sighed, exasperated.

"Wait- are you saying that you were, adopted? And your parents now, are your adopted parents?"

"Yeah. Something like that. I just found out about this about a month ago. I'm sorry, Acacia. I'm really sorry. But, I'll be with you till Senior Year ends. It's alright," Alright? Alright?! I'm gonna lose my best friend at the end of this year!

"Okay. Cool," I spat it out. I lightly threw my half-eaten sandwich on the plate and stood up. "You know, you should've told me earlier. Well then. Good luck with your birth parents. You can fly out to England tonight for all I care. You are one selfish asshole!!"

After that, I ran into the woods since it was the nearest place and I love nature. Especially when it's at dusk. I ran and ran till my instincts told me I was safe. I went to a nearby tree and sat at the root of it. I regulated my breathing and broke down.

Why must it be now? Why? Must life be so unfair and take him away from me just like that?! This is not fair! I loved him so! I don't want him taken away from me! No! Never! He is mine. But what I said to him just now. It made me look as if I'm fine.. I guess.

I wiped away my tears and got up. I have got to find a way out of this woods. I looked around me. There are trees everywhere. I started panicking. I shouted, "Zachary Tosh Martin!!!"

Eek! It stopped abruptly! But, it's ok. It's like making you wanna read more, I guess(?) Well, wait for the next chapter! And I wrote extra long for you guys! You're welcome LOL

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