Chapter 8 : You Dont Own Me (Part 2)

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That Brent guy really is a pain in the arse. Ever since he and Acacia got together, he won't stop talking about her and he woul rant on about their oh-so-wonderful dates. It's not like I'm jealous or anything but, it annoys me to know that the guy who is making Acacia happy is not me and that she doesn't feel the same way towards me, and never will. She was the girl whom I fell really hard for, the previous girls I was with was so I could forget my feelings towards Acacia but it didn't work.

I fell even more for Acacia. If you want me to describe Acacia, I think the words perfection and flawless is an understatement. I can go on and on and on about how perfect Acacia and how perfect she is for me. She doesn't know this but since Freshman year, the boys in our year and the other students thought she was beautiful. The looks she received when she walks down the corridor but of course , she was oblivious to it all.

The boys talked about how they would love to be her boyfriend in the showers after practise, and how perfect she is. They told me to introduce them to her but I selfishly refused to. That refusal got me ignored by them. When she found out about the boys, she 'dressed down'. Though she dressed down, the boys still thinks she is the prettiest girl ever.

I would get jealous when boys give her flowers, teddy bears, chocolate and stuffs on Valentine's Day. I guess I have to put up with losing her, but how can I? Losing her is like losing me. She is me, my heart, my soul and the reason as to why I live. Without her, ife was meaningless. My heart feels like it is being ripped out of my chest and was thrown on the floor, left to be trampled on by everyone. 

I was thinking about Acacia when my thoughts were disrupted.

"Zach? Zach??! ZACH DUDE!!!? Were you even listening? Coach wants us to meet him at the field right after school. He wants to talk to us about the TMHE finals." Adrian frantically told me.

"What? Huh, um, okay sure. After school. Got it,"


Wow. is recess already over? Jeez. I guess I daydreamed for a long time. Well, off to class, I guess. I stood up, "See ya later dudes, gon' head to class now"

I nodded a farewell and made my way to my next class which was... Physics. Ugh. I don't exactly hate Physics. To tell the truth, I kinda like Physics but the teacher always gets on my nerves. Mrs. Hennaton, is like having PMS everyday. She's a god damn monster.

I strolled into class only to bump into someone I thought I wouldn't see ever again, "Michelle?"

~CLIFFHANGERR~ who do you think michelle is?xx

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