chapter 8: You Don't Own Me !

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ASDFGHJKL. How long has it been? A lot has happened. I now have a lovely boyfriend :) Did you guise like the previous chap? I hope you did! For the next few chapters, Brent's POV will mostly be shown!

Btw, can Sean O'donell play Zachary? Picture's at the side~


ex oh ex oh,

Jennah Piggy

-Chapter 8-

Zachary's POV †

"Hey, at least he's not a jackass, self-centered and egoistic dickhead like you! So, yes! I'm with him.  Bye, douchebag!!" Cia said.

What, really?! Is she really that angry at me? Wow, I don't know how I can even put up with this girl. She's like a maniac once you make her angry, like seriously, but then, I put up with her for 16 years  and those few years was sure the best. But what did I ever do to make her so angry? I didn't fuck a girl in front of her, not like I would. I didn't smoke fag too.

So why was she angry all of a sudden? I don't get her sometimes. My thoughts were then interrupted by a vibration from the seat next to me . "Brent"  The name flashed. I guess he has already reached the school. Anyways, I'll just text him later. I continued driving and when I stopped at a traffic, I checked the message I received: 

'Bruh, I did it! I actually did it! I asked her to be my girlfriend and she accepted!' 

What, what, WHAT?! Acacia accepted Brent?! WTF. I was pulling into the carpark and parked at my usual place. I got out of the car and replied Brent : 'Congrats, dude. You did it! Wait- we are talking about Acacia right? If we are, congrats, man.'

Brent thanked me, and I kept quiet. I waited for Brent and Acacia to come. When they came, I tried acting normal and cool, like I didn't care that Acacia is with someone else rather than me when in fact, I care a lot. Brent parked beside me and got out with Acacia, then, guess what? They. Held. Hands. I think Acacia could see that I was jealous and so, she kissed Brent, on his lips.

How could you, Cia? I thought. I was overwhelmed with jeaousy, "So, Acacia, enjoying your new toy?"

"Dude, watch your words, aye? It's my girlfriend you're talking to," Brent snapped.

I looked at Acacia's eyes and know she was feeling guilty. She was biting her lip damn hard. Gosh, she looks so vulnerable and those lips... If I could only know how it tastes like and feel it against mine.

Shit, what am I thinking about? I sighed. I need to get my head sorted out...

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