Chapter 1

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Taehyung ran his hand through his curly black hair and sighed. Work was a pain in the ass. Especially since he had double the load because his boss fired Trisha and Carter and then dumped the workload they left behind onto him.

Carter got replaced within a couple of days and Taehyung was able to pass on what he left behind onto the new guy, but, Trisha's replacement was yet to come in.

Taehyung didn't even know if someone was hired yet, but he really hopes so, because he doesn't think he can go another night straining his eyes to finish Trisha's half-assed work.

He wants to go home and be in his bed, cuddling with his body pillow while stalking his ex-girlfriend's Instagram account. Not in a damn stuffy office with a blazing headache.

Groaning, the curly-haired male ran his fingers through his hair and groaned when he heard his boss's voice. Accompanied with another.

Taehyung wasn't the biggest fan of his boss, Kim Namjoon. The man was in his late forties, he was very gay and he would not stop hitting on Taehyung. Okay, the hitting on was dulled down a bit, but he could still feel the man undressing him with his eyes when he walked around the office, in what the women he worked with liked to call the slutty pants.

They were nice and tight, and highlighted his ass and thighs, obviously making his boss and some woman stare.

Don't worry. He's working on getting new pants. He just has to be paid first.

Yawning, the male ran his hands down his face and looked up from his system, sending his boss a tired smile when their gazes met.

"Oh. Taehyung! I didn't know you were still here!" he heard the man exclaim, and he pressed his lips into a fine line.

"Yeah well, I can't exactly go home until I'm finished."

Despite his boss having feelings for him, the man never showed him any sort of favouritism, okay maybe a bit, but not a lot. Taehyung was treated like any other employee which he always mentally cursed at because why couldn't this situation be like in the books he read where the liked employee is given less work and treated the best out of everyone.

But if he was being honest, he liked what he had, because some people had it worse. That's why he stopped complaining to himself about it.

"Ah, I see, well this will be your last day staying late, I guess. I have Trisha's replacement, meet Jeon Jungkook. My godson."

Taehyung's gaze shifted from his boss to the dark-haired male standing next to him. He looked quite intimidating.

"Jungkook, this is Taehyung; one of my best employee's, I'll introduce you to everyone tomorrow." The man stopped talking to his godson and averted his gaze back to Taehyung, "Do you mind showing Jungkook around tomorrow, and show him what he has to do? The least I can to his introduce him to the others, after that I'm scheduled for meetings."

Taehyung smiled and nodded his head, "I don't mind at all, Mr. Kim."

The man sent him a sweet smile and thanked him, "You can go home now, rest him. This is your third late night."

"I'll leave as soon as I'm finished this, it won't take long." The man nodded his head and placed his arm around his godson, "I'll be in my office. " Taehyung nodded his head and watched the two men make their way to Namjoon's office.

When they went inside, he let out a loud groan and ran his hands down his face in stress. He was nowhere close to being done cleaning up Trisha's work. He inhaled deeply and looked back at his screen, deciding to email these two clients before packing his stuff up and making his way out of the building and to his car.

It took him at least an hour to get some, but when he did, he stumbled out of the car with blur spots in his vision. He was exhausted and was tempted to call in sick for work tomorrow. But that would only create more workload for him so he sucked it up and made his way inside, smiling when he was greeted by his dog 'Gina'.

"Hi, baby," He spoke as he smiled at the animal, frowning when a high pitched noise left her throat.

"What's wrong sweets, is your tummy hurting?"

Two months ago Taehyung left Gina in the yard and she somehow got out and came back two weeks later. A month after that he found out she was pregnant, and he scolded her like she was his human sixteen-year-old daughter.

He squatted down when the german Shepard laid on the floor and turned on her back, wagging her tail.

He rolled his eyes and rubbed her swollen tummy, "You just missed me, didn't you." She stuck her tongue out and leaned her head to the side, panting and bringing her paw to cover her nose.

"You're adorable, come let's go upstairs, I know you and those little ones love to lay in my bed."

The two made their way upstairs, and Taehyung plopped himself down on the bed, Gina making herself comfortable on the mat at the foot of the bed for now.

The green eyed male sighed and pulled his phone from his back pocket, unlocking it and growing when he was his wallpaper. He hasn't changed it yet, and frankly, he doesn't want to change it.

It was a picture of him and his ex-girlfriend. Her head was resting on his chest with a bright smile on her face as she looked up at Taehyung. They were so in love.

Who would've thought that she was sleeping around with one of his friends for almost a year? Not Taehyung for sure.

Sighing, the ravenette shut his phone off and began unbuttoning his dress shirt, planning his day out in his head. Tomorrow was Friday, and on Fridays, some of the people in the office usually go out together and get shitfaced at some club. He hasn't done that in a while.

Maybe he'll go out tomorrow, get drunk and find someone to hook up with, it's been a while since he's slept with someone. Thinking about it for a while, he hummed and pulled his shirt off, exposing his slightly toned chest.

Maybe he will go out with them tomorrow. Just maybe.


remember. blasian kook and tae. both of 'em. not one :)

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