Chapter 3

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Taehyung hasn't been to a club in how long now? Probably more than eighteen months.

Pretty long, yeah, he knows.

When he was with his last girlfriend she said that she didn't want him going to clubs because a bunch of people would just find their way to rub up on him, which was so untrue because Taehyung always sat at the bar, a drink in hand while he watched the others around him dance and scream like crazy people.

But he agreed to it anyways and stopped going out.

While being in that relationship with her, his life was quite bland. He would wake up, go to work, come back home and spend his day with his dog and girlfriend. Or sometimes only his dog since she would go out and party with her friends.

Yeah, their relationship was like that. He couldn't drink or party, but she could. But now, it's time for him to get his life back in check.

For the love of god, he's fucking hot, and single, and hasn't been laid in a damn while.

Fixing his raven curls, the man pushed his tongue into his cheek as he listened to the women he was with talk about the new guy in the office. The new guy being Jungkook of course.

His name was thrown left right and centre, talking about how hot he was and how much they wished to be railed by a man like that. These comments made Taehyung grimace, but he continued walking behind them, trying his best to ignore them.

"You know, I heard that Kayla's maternity ended, she's coming back to work next week," Seokjin mentioned as he looked back at Taehyung who closed his eyes and huffed.

"You're still not over that bitch? She fucked your best friend and had a baby with him."

Taehyung hummed and nodded his head, rolling his sleeves up and sighing, "Thanks for the reminder." He pressed his lips into a fine line and sighed, again.

Seokjin wrapped his arm around the ravenette's shoulder and playfully slapped his face, "Tonight, we're gonna get your ass some good pussy and bring back old fuckboy Taehyung, I've missed him."

"I haven't, he was an absolute dickhead." Taehyung chuckled and rubbed his tatted wrist, sending the woman an apologetic smile as they walked into the parking lot of the club. Bane.

"You only say that because he didn't fuck you when you asked." The others around him laughed at Seokjin's comment, the aforementioned nudging Taehyung in the stomach.

"No, I was a dickhead."

Seokjin hummed and ruffled Taehyung's hair, "Then we'll bring back fuckboy Taehyung, but not dickhead Taehyung." 

"But dickhead Taehyung is fuckboy Taehyung."

Taehyung chuckled and shook his head, "I'm not into that stuff anymore, dickhead Taehyung and fuckboy Taehyung are very much gone." 

Seokjin playfully groaned and rested his head on Taehyung's shoulder, before looking up at him through hooded eyes, "I'm still gonna make sure you get laid. You need a nice fuck to get her off your mind."

Taehyung sighed. He doesn't know if a nice fuck can get that girl off his mind. He was head over heels for her. She told him to jump, he asked how high. He was down bad. Still slightly is, but hopefully, he'll get over it and go back to his normal life.

Seokin let his arm fall from around Taehyung and sighed, "can one of the single ladies flash their tits to the bouncer and get our asses inside."

"Is that all we're really good for? flashing our breasts to get inside some damn club?" Seokjin rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest, "I was just fucking around." he said softly, "No need to take it so seriously." The girl scoffed and turned her back away from the group, Seokjin rolling his eyes and looking at Taehyung who had his lips pressed into a thin line.

HIS STRANGE ADDICTION || 𐤀जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें