Chapter 4

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After everything that went down in that club, Taehyung didn't want to show his face in the office. There was no doubt that people would be gossiping and staring after what happened. And what happened was Jungkook did a body shot - no - Jungkook did body shots off of him.

The thought of what happened made a shiver run down Taehyungs spine. If he was being honest with himself he liked the feeling he got from that, but he didn't like that he like the feeling so he tried his best not to think about it.

But he couldn't stop. He couldn't stop thinking about it. The feeling of Jungkooks tongue running along his toned stomach, his soft pink lips brushing against his own as he took the lime from his mouth. The feeling of Jungkook body hovering over his own felt good.

But Taehyung didn't like that it felt good. It wasn't supposed to feel good. He wasn't supposed to allow something like that to happen again.

Inhaling deeply, the man ran his fingers through his dark damp locks, "It was just the alcohol," he muttered just before hearing the ding of the elevator and stepping out when the doors opened.

Thr man clutched the laptop bag in his hand and walked towards his desk. So far no whispers. He's just waiting for Seokjin to arrive and torment him about it, he was always waiting for—

"OH hey, Taehyung! Long time no see!"

That. He was also waiting for that. Or Kayla to be more specific

Bright and early Monday morning. His ex-girlfriend Kayla comes back to work, and now he's stuck with seeing her face every single day and being reminded of how she fucked him over.  Funny thing is that he would do anything for that girl. He was, and maybe still is - just a little bit - , head over heels for her. But she fucked him over for a guy who was now fucking her over.

How funny.

Sighing, Taehyung pressed his lips into a flat line and nodded at the woman in front of him, "Yup," he said, popping the 'p' on the word. To be quite honest he wanted to get away from this woman. Who wanted to be around someone who did them so dirty? Definitely not him.

"Excuse me I have to–"

"Tae..." The woman said softly, cutting him off, "I wanna talk,  I wanna say sorry for what I did, I–" Taehyung cleared his throat and cut her off. He fixed his tie and walked past the woman. He didn't utter a word to her, he just walked away. He made his way to his cubicle and threw his bag down on the ground, cursing after he did so when he remembered his laptop was in there.

"Fuck!" He cursed as he unzipped the bag and took out his computer. He placed it on the desk and opened it and when it turned on he sighed in relief and sat back in his chair. He could already feel in his gut that today was going to be a shitty day.

Running his hands down his face, the made sat up in his chair and turned on his monitor. And so the work began.


Lunch time came around, and as usual Taehyung went into the lunchroom had his lunch and then took a good 15 minute nap that would leave him productive for the rest of the day. And after a half work day filled with sparky remarks from those at the club with him he definitely need that nap.

It was an on going joke among the workers in his department that the work he did would fuck him in his ass that he would have to go take that nap. Some of his colleagues had pictures of him sleeping on the couch or the table or even at his desk with his mouth wide open.

Namjoon spoke to him about his lunch room naps and scolded him, but he soon joined in on the joke too.

The ravenette stood by the sink and washed out his lunch bowl putting it to dry. When he was done he grabbed his juice box from the fridge and sat back down on the couch scrolling through his Instagram feed.

As he did so the lunchroom door opened and in walked Jungkook. Taehyung looked up from his phone and his body tensed. Vivid memories of what happened Friday night came rushing back to him.

The tingly feelings he got when Jungkook touched his body that night all came back just from the man being in the room with him.

Taehyung inhaled deeply and quickly drank the rest of his juice. When he was done he awkwardly got up and walked passed Jungkook who was by the microwave.

"I enjoyed Friday night, we should do it again," the younger man spoke as he pressed the start button on the microwave and turned towards Taehyung who was throwing the juice box in the garbage.

"I'm not gay, what happened Friday was a mistake. Forget it."

Jungkook chuckled and Taehyungs response to his statement and grabbed the elders wrist when he began to walk away.

"I wasn't talking about the part where I did a body shot off of you, I was talking about the part where I kissed you.:


Taehyung didn't remember a kiss.

The ravenette pulled away from the younger grasp and stepped back wit his eyes widened. "Fuck are you talking about?! I didn't kiss you!!!" He exclaimed, and Jungkook just chuckled while poking the inside of his cheek with his tongue.

"I'm just pulling at your leg, we didn't kiss so you can untie your balls and relax." He stated while turning back to the microwave and taking his food out.


"Shut up! Stop talking!" Was a Taehyung yelled before storming out of the lunchroom, aggressively shoving his phone into his pocket.

Jungkook just laughed and shook his head, muttering, " I like you." Before sitting at the table and eating his lunch.

He did like Taehyung. He was sexy as hell, there was no doubt to that, and Jungkook was of course very attracted to him.

Especially after Friday night.


Chapter 4? Done.


//not proofread sorry for any errors///

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