Chapter 2

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The next day Taehyung showed up to work late. His hair and closed were dishevelled and he looked like a hot mess altogether. He had a coffee stain on his white shirt, there were bags under his eyes because instead of getting sleep he stayed up looking at memories of him and his ex while drinking.

Fuck! Why did he have to be so hooked on that girl?!

Cursing himself under his breath, the ravenette ran his hand through his curly hair and plopped his things down on his desk before standing up straight and making his way to his boss' office, clamping his eyes shut and inhaling deeply before knocking on the door.

When he heard the words, 'come in' he pushed open the door and steppe inside, planting a fake smile across his face while clasping his hands behind his back.

"Oh, Taehyung? You're here. I thought you were taking a sick day, it's almost one." the man's pressed the palms of his hand on his desk and looked away from his godson, his eyes now on Taehyung who sent him an apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry. I overslept, but I'm here. I'll work late again tonight." Guess that means no club.

Namjoon smiled at him and shook his head, "no no. It's alright. I would like you to show Jungkook the work Trisha left behind and then go home. You've been working late and extremely hard for a while now, take the rest of the day off, and Monday too."

Taehyung let out a heavy breath and let his hands fall to his sides, "Are you serious?" he asked glancing between Namjoon and the other male who eyed him like he was his prey.

"Yes I am serious, now go on, I expect you to be out of this building in less than half an hour." The man looked towards his godson and squinted his eyes at him, "Be nice to him, Jungkook." The curly-haired male squinted his eyes at Namjoon and pushed himself from off of the desk walking towards Taehyung and bumping his shoulder as he left the office making Taehyung frown and Namjoon sigh.

"If he snaps at you it's because he's in a pissy mood. Relationship issues. His office is just down from mine."

Taehyungs lips formed into a circle before he pressed them into a flat line and nodded his head, "I'll be out of your hair now, Thank you for the day off." Namjoon smiled at him and waved him off, and Taehyung left the office, making his way towards the unknown male's office.

When he knocked on the door, he heard a grunt before it was opened and he was met with his boss' godson who had an annoyed expression on his face, "What?" the man asked, and Taehyung cleared his throat, "I have to show you what to do, remember."

The man huffed and stepped to the side, "Make it quick." he rasped out, and Taehyung nodded his head before stepping inside, only to turn around on his heels, "I have to go get the files, be right back." Taehyung heard the man groan and mumble some curse words under his breath making him frown, once again.

He was in a really pissy mood.

The ravenette made his way back to his desk and collect the files before going back to Jungkook's office, "I'll be quick. I'll just show you what to do and leave." he said as he closed the office door and rested the stack of unorganized papers on the man's desk.

"Who the fuck organised these?" he heard the man, huff out with gritted teeth.

"Uh, Trisha did. They're four more like this in the drawer across from you. I organized most of them and put them back, all you have to do is put these and the others in alphabetical order. It's easy."

Taehyung watched as the man ran his hands through his curls before running them down his face, "anything else?" he asked, clearing his throat after and Taehyung sent him a short nod before shifting over to his computer and tapping the space bar to wake it up.

"You'll also need to read through these sheets and make any necessary corrections, and the files in the drawer marked B you'll have to read through those and make any necessary corrections. Other than that, it's just sorting," he said as he showed Jungkook the files he had to deal with.

Another huff left the man and he nodded his head, moving in front of his system when Taehyung moved away.

"That's all?" he asked, leaning back in his office chair, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath.

"Yeah, that's all. Uh, are you alright? If you don't mind me asking."

Jungkook underlooked the man and raised an eyebrow, "I'm fine. You can go now."

The older man nodded his head and stuffed his hands in his pockets, "I'm Taehyung, just so you know." The other hummed in response and clenched his jaw, resting his hands underneath his chin.

"I'm Jungkook."

Taehyung smiled and nodded his head, "Well it's nice to meet you, Jungkook. I'll be leaving now." He turned around and walked out of the office his eyes widening when Jungkook made a certain comment that made him...blush.

"You have a nice ass, Taehyung. No wonder he likes you."


Not the ass comment.


OK picture Taehyung as Taehyung from my club oneshot you do that, yeah?

The plot will be starting soon and I honestly don't know how long or short this book will be so yaaay.

OK bye now.

Sorry for any errors.

Thank you for reading!

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