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milo was anxious. she had never met these people before and now here she was standing by her gate waiting for teo and everyone else to arrive.

she turned to her side to watch all her friends in conversation with one another but she couldn't even speak she was so anxious. anxious of what may you ask? meeting teo.

"milo can you stop standing there biting your nails , you are making me anxious." Shay spoke from her spot next to Jules. milo let out a small laugh.

"im just worried." She spoke as she balanced her suitcase. Shay smiled at her. "i know but he's gonna love you they all will. like we do."

Milo hugged her quickly just as her phone went off. grabbing it and putting it to her ear she answered it. "hello?"

"hey! it's teo. we're here." milo's faced instantly light up. "really where??"

"right behind you." teo spoke just as he ended the call and milo gasped turning around so quickly the air might as have been knocked out of her.

she smile and he smiled. and they don't know how or when but in an instant they we're in each other's arms.

A / N


𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐭𝐳  ˚⁀➷。˚ - teo briones Where stories live. Discover now