Chapter 1

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Eva's Pov
~5.00 pm ~

Have you ever wondered what secrets this world has that have been kept hidden away in remote areas around the globe? I have, and the possibilities of the types of secrets are endless. It could be the discovery of Aliens, new planets that we would have never imagined to exist, or even doppelgangers. Whatever it is, this world has secrets. Secrets that might potentially cause distress and harm to the world.

"Eva, hurry the fuck up" yelled Carla from inside the van. I was deep in my thoughts again, ugh this always happens. Everyone was already settled in and packed up to go on the road trip we planned ages ago. "I'm coming, hold on!" I responded with a huge sigh while dragging the 5 kg luggage I packed specifically for this trip. Once I boarded the van, I noticed Lily dozing off in her seat, she probably didn't get enough sleep last night. Emma and Alice behind her are, of course, sitting together. I mean why wouldn't they be? They are like 2 peas in a pod that is glued together. I look over to the right and see Carla glaring at me, with her little worn-out sketchbook in her hand.

"What did I do this time?" I questioned expecting to receive a whole lecture for the rest of the trip but she just ignored me and continued sketching. How rude. I walked further looking for 2 vacant seats so that I can fall asleep comfortably during the ride. Why is it so oddly quiet? Whatever, I'm probably just extremely sleepy. As I walked down, I, unexpectedly, stepped on an empty can which made me jump a little. The driver didn't clean the van? 2-star rating for sure. I picked up the can, noticing that I crushed it like there was no tomorrow. I look over to my left and Otis is already plugging in his earphones and playing genshin. He's so unsociable, sigh. He will probably talk to us later. I nodded at him and he just broke a crooked smile. Wow, so awkward. I detected 2 seats behind Otis and quickly rushed to sit on them as if someone was going to murder me if I didn't. I was exhausted. While I was adjusting myself to feel comfortable, in the corner of my eye, I sensed Ryder and Calista gushing over virtual characters on their phones. I just shook my head and laughed it off. Why is it so quiet though? We are usually very chaotic and always looking for trouble but what happened? Did something happen? Doesn't seem like it though. Weird. I'm just probably overthinking this, they are most likely just tired from planning all this. I should sleep, right? I don't feel comfortable though...

Doses off

Carla's Pov
~6.00 pm ~

The forest is honestly a pretty one. I usually go on road trips with my parents but somehow they let me go with my friends this time alone. What's that noise? Fuck, is that Eva snoring? What a loud sleeper. I can't even draw in peace with these kids around. I mean Emma and Alice sitting across from me, are making out right now. Couples shit. This is not the ideal place to draw but I promised my client to submit the sketch by tomorrow. I just got to work with my situation I guess. "DIE BITCH", Otis shouted from behind. What the fuck, is he playing Genshin again? Oh well, I definitely cannot do my work right now. I should just sleep, I suppose. It's getting dark as well. I can do my work later at night when I get some peace.

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