Chapter 3

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Emma's Pov
~7.45 pm ~

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY HE'S GONE? DID U LOOK PROPERLY?" I screamed. I was starting to panic, it was almost going to be late at night with no adult supervision. What are we going to do? We have to tell everyone right? Or should we just not panic and look more properly? " Otis, are you sure you looked properly? There is no way he disappeared like that!" Alice said with a little panic in her tone. Now I am getting worried since she is panicking. "That's what I thought too but I looked everywhere nearby but I couldn't find him," Otis instantly retaliated.

"We should tell the others," Alice ordered. Alice went to wake up Carla and Lily who were deep asleep. Otis hurriedly went over to Ryder and Calista and aggressively started shaking them. Both of them looked very confused as I just stood there stunned. I should wake Eva up. I rushed to her and saw her in a deep slumber. I kinda felt bad for waking her up but it was necessary. I shook her so much, expecting her to wake up but she didn't. I was getting worried. Fuck. You know what? I'm just gonna slap her. I slapped her very hard to the point where it hurt MY hand. She woke up eventually with a big bruise on her face and I could sense the confusion in her eyes. "WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR, EMMA?" Eva shouted at me. I saw it coming. Otis, Ryder, and Calista went up to me to see what the commotion was about. Alice, Carla, and Lily were looking in our direction to see what was going on. "What is going on? Why is everyone staring at us?" Eva questioned. I kind of zoned off a bit. I looked out the window and all I saw was darkness. How did we even end up like this? Such a harmless trip. Madeview Forest looks so different at night. The sudden rustling of the leaves makes it seem as if we were surrounded by danger. "Emma?" I finally snapped back to reality. "Where is the driver? I have so many questions," Eva kept asking. No one responded and started glancing at each other. "The driver is gone," I said with a little tremble in my voice.

Ryder's Pov
~7.50 pm ~

What does Emma mean by the driver is 'gone'? The sudden announcement that the driver was missing was honestly extremely shocking. He is not the type of person to leave us all alone here. "We should go look for him right? Or should we just stay and wait for him?" I asked. I was getting worried. Has something happened? A million thoughts were running through my head. It's not good if we look for him though, all alone, in this hair-raising forest.

"We have to look for him. It's not safe for us here all alone anyways," Carla suggested. Is she nuts? What if we die out there? "Yes I agree," Calista added. These people are mad. "We should get going then," Emma uttered. Everyone started packing up their backpacks and started alighting the van. I can't be here all by myself. I quickly snatched my backpack and started sprinting down the van. "Hey wait up!" I bellowed.

"There is some light coming from down there, if we go this way we might find him," Alice said. Eva and Lily glanced at each other and nodded at Alice. Maybe it won't be that bad after all. I mean there are 8 of us here, no way we can't take down a monster if we ever find one, right? "Guys I don't have a good feeling about this" I voiced out. I got to tell them right? "What are you so worried about? You have us," Otis instantly responded. He's right.

We walked further down the path and the light got brighter and brighter. Maybe the driver went there to get some help or something? I'm just making shit up to calm myself down, how stupid. The more we walked down the path the scarier and spine-chilling it got. The large towering trees were very intimidating, scaring me out of my wits. At least I'm not alone. I moved closer to Otis and Eva hoping that it would calm me a little. It did. We finally saw the light. It was from a brightly lit lamp post that stood alone. If you look further you could detect a worn-down hotel that looked like it was construction in pending. The hotel had a huge ass sign that said 'Welcome!' which wasn't supposed to send a chill down my spine but it did.

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