Miraculous Ladybug

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(DISCLAIMER: this is not meant to disrespect or be misunderstood I'm just stating my opinion about a show for you and my enjoyment, I'm not going to blame the creator of miraculous ladybug for everything that happens with the story as I know that there are multiple people involved in the making of the story/movie/Tv show so it could not be his fault it could be another member of the crew. please consider this. Also, marinette is just a 14-year-old girl who is tasked with saving the world every day and guarding the entire miraculous box don't hate on her too much I imagine its tough for anyone to handle, but that still doesn't excuse her for most of the shit she's done so I'm not saying it does)

There are Some Quite Great Issues In Miraculous Ladybug that are deeply infecting the story and fandom. Starting with all the hate for Marinette, don't get me wrong she is getting hate for mostly justified reasons but she is the only one getting hate even though there are so many flaws and other characters who almost no one is addressing.

Not only That but ever since season 3 the hate for Marinette has been going up while the love for chole is going up. Of course, I'm not saying you cant like and dislike certain characters that's your opinion I'm not here to change it I'm just here to state mine. As a chole lover myself I understand why people stand up for her and also like her character.

She never was given the right guidance to fix her behavior 

1. Her mom is barely there and even calls her Other names to cause she forgets her name multiple times and neglects chole a lot so her moms not gonna help.

2. Her dad gives her too much and doesn't even stop and think how this will affect a kid. On top of that, he lets her use his image as an excuse to continue acting like a fool. If you spoil a child too much but don't humble them, you already know they're going to be a spoiled brat.

3. Don't even get me started on the Teachers! They will sit there and watch as she disrespects the entire class and themselves but let it happen to cause her dad's the mayor. Like bruh what is the mayor gonna fire you? That would be an abuse of power my resources (google) even said that: though not always, mayors are given the power to appoint members who will replace some or all members of the elected school board. So he couldn't do anything cause there was the principal and not the school board, so he was scared over nothing. Even then he's still just the mayor they could always report his abuse of powers to people with higher status than him. So the fact it is still happening means they most likely support it. Or too scared to do the right thing and put the mayor and Chole in their place

When they tell you to put up with the bullying because the bullies will leave you alone sooner or later, they're basically telling you that if something bad happens to you, just keep it to yourself because no one will help you. That kind of mentality is both bad and very dangerous.If you end up in a bad situation that you need to get out of but you think that you have to stay quiet, you will stay quiet and suffer.

Some teachers are absolutely atrocious. They are turning a blind eye to bullying just because one of the bully's parents is rich and they pander to my every whim like thirty dogs trying to get onto their good side. Those are not good qualities to have when you are an educator, or when you want to be a decent human being. We need to get them out of the way before they mess someone up. For god's sake, they shouldn't be trusted with children! for goodness sakes

4. Do we even have to mention them anymore for her?

As you can see these are only a part of the many reasons why chole acts the way she does But it is not very justified that's okay though because it makes sense she acts like this it's in her nature to act like this so you can love her hate IDC but just keep this in mind when you make your choice. I'm not gonna sit here and say that everything chole has done and can do in the future is justified but I'm not saying that it couldn't have been avoided and no one was helping here 

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