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I'm just gonna get straight to the point, It has been brought to my attention that I have not been posting lately. Honestly, I don't feel the need to explain myself, I post when I post. Just like everyone else I have other responsibilities so I get to this when I find I have time for it, I'm bringing back this series because I feel like I left it off pretty randomly.

Back to the topic

Okay so let's talk about Fandoms, Okay so you all might be like " BeaThoven why are you making a whole article about this one topic it's not that big of a deal?'' well I say it is a big deal. Okay so for one I'm not going to sit here and try to act as if I'm in any position to make a judgment on all fandoms so imma stating my opinion

Imma be honest, not all Fandoms are bad, But one of the most toxic fandoms are anime fandoms, I'm talking about the shipping wars at this point I feel as if Some Fandoms care more about the ships than the anime itself! 

And Now all these creators are getting shade for sharing their opinions on the matter and even the anime creators themselves are now receiving death threats over making a ship canon, Like Wtf, if wrong with people sometimes. The most toxic fans I've seen are from Mha and Boruto next-gen(Not even Og)

Well for one the fact that people are trying to push DekuBaku so much. It doesn't even matter if it's LGBTQ I didn't think that's what the fuss is about at all, My sources state that Deku is fine being in a relationship with either gender.

 But Bakugou on the other hand isn't actually for abuse and toxic so stop saying that it goes against his moral codes actually when it comes to relationships, He just doesn't feel comfortable in a relationship with someone he doesn't respect. Right now it's a Lil rocky so I don't think they would be a great shipper to say with how things are going but who knows maybe they will be good friends?

Death Threats

This isn't even up for debate so don't even try. sending death threats is wrong and sick by itself. But Saying you'll Kill someone over a freaking Fictional Character Dating another is wrong and anyone who does have something wrong with them should seek therapy or mental help. But the fact is ...

This isn't true

 In the case of the incident where the Boku No Hero Academia creator was getting changed death threats, it was just Annoying Spammers who were spamming Ships on his feed and being quite obnoxious, While there could have been death threats that's not what happened. But he did get death threats over another issue.

People were sending him death threats over the fact that endeavor was trying to make amends with his past and saying stuff like go kill yourself'' and ''go die''.

 While I like many others don't agree with Endeavor's redemption ark, I feel as though he didn't deserve one to begin with. It is not our right to complain about it. The writer felt like that's what they wanted to do with the story so it's their choice. As long as it's not harming others and or ruining the story I say let the Creators go crazy. It's fun seeing new scenarios play out.

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                                                                           part two out at:


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