Bullying in general

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When they tell you to put up with the bullying because the bullies will leave you alone sooner or later, they're basically telling you that if something bad happens to you, just keep it to yourself because no one will help you. That kind of mentality is both bad and very dangerous.If you end up in a bad situation that you need to get out of but you think that you have to stay quiet, you will stay quiet and suffer.

Some teachers are absolutely atrocious. They are turning a blind eye to bullying just because one of the bully's parents is rich and they pander to there every whim like thirty dogs trying to get onto their good side. Those are not good qualities to have when you are an educator, or when you want to be a decent human being. We need to get them out of the way before they mess someone up. For god's sake, they shouldn't be trusted with children!"

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