Konoha Ninja School

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-----------------------------------------------⁜   A Break From Mlb   ⁜------------------------------------------------

Hi so mainly I was thinking i'm just gonna talk about it all. But since imma talk about Mlb for a while I decided it would be nice to talk about something else. 

 Konoha Ninja School.


So there is something That I noticed when I was watching Naruto for like the 70th time the other day. They graduate at 12,No wonder some of them are so immature.

 It's Inhuman to expect so much out of literal children and then there just putting them out in the world to be hunted and kill for the sake of the village before they even hit puberty?! They putting so much pressure on those kids. Think about it this way, if you make a mistake on a mission it could caust the safety of yourself and not only that but the entire village including your friends and family, mentors and anyone you know. They could die because of you and this village is shoving all this on there shoulders at such a young age.

Age Group to leave Academy


 I would say it would Make a little more sense to not let them even leave the academy till at least 15 so they are prepared for the world. Like when your young we all make stupid mistakes sometimes, So the fact they think it would be a good idea to send them out so young is kinda stupid Ngl. Especially the fact that they sat there and let students bully Naruto and even bully Sakura for a while till they grouped her in with the Bullies.Not forget the 4 years of schooling,4 years?With the insane amount of genjutsus,jujtsus and other stuff in the world?yall are asking for the children to die at this point.Yall are only giving them the basics,Im pretty sure theres more than that considering what we all be seeing them do now.

Kunochi Classes


Wtf Are the Kunochi Classes! Like come on I know for a fact you did not just sit there and teach a little girl how to suduce men. Thats literally disgusting and depending on the type of ninja they're trying to be it might have just been a waste of time.

Moral of the Story Kunoichi Classes Suck but I'm not gonna sit here and talk about it more case there are more issues to go over. Dang this might be a two partner!


okay so the Logic for the teams is pure bullshit with how bad it is. For one as shown in the show, Naruto and Duckbutt hate each other. That's not a good idea to put them on the same team because They fight so much that they do it on missions sometimes, if your having an argument your gonna get distracted and in the ninja world you could end up dead because of distractions,so tell me is it really smart to put them on a team together. Not only that but Sakura Is odviously a fangirl for Duckbutt, sorry sakura chan buts its true.(She deserves better tbh) Its unhealthy how much she values his opinion,going as far to break-up a childhood friend over a boy, If you ask me she needs to be independant and stay away from him. Ifs she on a team with him then she could rely on him and that could stop her growth as a ninja. But I cant Blame her only 4 years of schooling probaly didnt teach her that.(yeah im still holding that grudge deal about it).Not only that but they doupht her abilites so much.They might be strong physically but mentally they need help.


techically he was there sensei after they graduated but you dont need to know that.All you need to Know is he was a horrible sensei to them.He didnt even teach sakura nothing other than to Tree Walk and Was a Free sparring buddy for them.Of course The didnt want to help sakura was to make sure the thing that happened to rin didnt happen to her,But thats just stupid,Teach her to be strong to protect herself kakashi fool.

A/N: Okay Guess we making A two Parter for our mlb break bet get ready for the tea.

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