Sasuke Uchiha-Shippuden

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Okay so let's talk about Sasuke Uchiha in general. Were going to be doing Shippuden first for naruto then making our way to genin years then going full circle to boruto.

If I'm being honest, Sasuke wasn't in the wrong for wanting to destroy Konoha. No teenager with that type of mental trauma will think correctly or logically. Obviously  going on a mass murder spree ain't right, but I wouldn't necessarily say he's fully wrong in wanting revenge

 He's a borderline insane teenager who's gone through enough trauma to last him multiple lifetimes.

 ''But Beathoven! if Sasuke destroys the lives of innocents for something they had nothing to do with he's no worse than the same elders that made Itachi slaughter the Uchihas''

Shut the fuck up. These same quotes on quote ''innocents'' were the same people who have been discriminating against his clans for years, talking shit about a dead clan and basically acting like his entire clan getting massacred didn't even matter.

The Entire reason they lived on the outskirts of the village was that these same people couldn't be bothered to show some damn respect to one of the clans that basically founded their village.

Imagine going years of your life going through emotional trauma and being put through all there bullshit by the entire village, including Kakashi who was supposed to understand you saying his revenge wasn't valid.

On top of that, now imagine the person you've been spending years trying to destroy because they took everything away from you just to learn they really had no choice, and then him asking you to protect those same people? I would want to burn it all down too.

You have to watch it till the very end to understand it.

He sought revenge against the Leaf for benefitting from his clan's death, Itachi's life, and his own life spent seeking false revenge.

It's not like I like Sasuke as a character and whatnot but I feel like this a topic that people use to hate on him unfairly.

We have a boy that's hiding tremendous pain, and anger and dealt a savage hand by life. Yet he still tried to be true to himself and those he considered a part of his circle. 

despite that stoic nature and superiority complex...he was willing to lay down his life for his team. 

that's all for today

P.S.:Boruto likes coochie and ill see ya tomorrow!

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