Honoring 1K Pies

1.9K 111 89

"Cas! I'm home!" Dean called as he entered their home.

All he heard were small dings and weird whirring sounds from the kitchen.

Dean walked in the house completely and smelled it.

That sweet smell only one dessert could make.

Dean walked further into the house and the smell became stronger.

And he saw one.

There was a pie-- no wait-- multiple pies in the living room. On the coffee table and the couch. Maybe twenty.

Dean kept walking, finding pies everywhere in the house.

"Cas? Why are there pies in-- SWEET MOTHER OF GOD!" Dean shrieked as he entered the kitchen.

There were pies everywhere. On the oven, on the microwave, all over the fridge, on the counter, the dining table!

"Oh, hello Dean." Cas looked up and smiled, mixing something in a bowl.

"What are you doing?!" Dean asked, looking around the kitchen.


"Well I can see that but why?! And why so many?!"

Castiel stopped mixing and gave him such a bitch face that it seemed as if Sam taught him himself.

"You know all that fan fiction Sam reads?"

Dean nodded and leaned against the wall.

"Yea. All the stuff about us. Why?"

"Well, there's this one author he reads most of it on. ComeAlongHolmes_ I think it was. But she recently gained 1K followers or 'pies' as she liked to call them on Wattpad and Sam was just really proud so I thought I would make her a tribute." Cas smiled.

"Okay...how many pies are you baking."



"Well duh. I have 999 right now. Just this last one and it'll be done." Cas smiled widely.

Dean pinched the bridge of his nose and walked away.

"I'm going to take a long bath..." he sighed.

"Have fun!" Cas called after him.


"DEAN! I FINISHED!" Cas yelled as Dean walked out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist and head.

"1,000 pies?!" Dean asked.

Castiel jumped up and down cheerfully and clapped his hands.

"Yes! No we must eat!" Cas smiled.


"We have to eat all the pie!"

Dean's eyes widened.

"Man, I love pie, you know I do. But I don't think we can eat all of this."

Castiel's smile faded.

"B-but why?"

"How about this: we keep like ten of them and give the rest to the followers of the author?"

"But then I would need to bake ten more pies." Cas titled his head to the side in confusion.

"Then bake ten more pies-- I'll help."

Castiel smiled widely and with that, they began baking.

They both got flour, whipped cream and all sorts of ingredients on themselves-- and had a few steamy make out sessions on the counter.


You all were waiting patiently by your mail boxes.

You were so excited-- I think.

Some of you were sleeping and were waiting for the next morning to receive the treat.

But it happened.

The mail arrived and you each received one amazing pie of your choice. With small notes from Sam, Cas and Dean. All thanking each and every one of you for getting me this far.

Cas and Dean kept ten pies and ate them happily-- then had hardcore butt sex and Sam had to excuse himself.

But yes, thank you all for 1K pies! Enjoy this book of one shots and please leave requests for the next ones! Bye!

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