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// Laurens

John did his best to shield himself from the autumn breeze. He had just come from his local bar where an interesting scenario played itself out.

"I swear I saw him!" He old town drunk spat. Everyone laughed.

"Saw who, old man?" A villager asked, laughing loudly at him. A woman was sat on his lap, also laughing as other men tried to grab at her.

"The Cornerwitch! He was hiding in a dark alley! I tried to corner him, but he threw a bag at the floor and a big cloud of smoke appeared and when if cleared...he was gone!"

Laughter filled the bar again.

"Get yourself one of these pretty ladies and get the hell out!" Someone else yelled, gesturing towards all the women selling themselves away to anyone. "Everyone knows the witches were burned at Salem years ago!"

A woman in a long and torn white dress came up to the old drunk and began trailing kisses along his neck. He protested and tried to continue his story when someone stood up for him.

"I saw him too!"

The room went quiet and everyone turned to a younger man. He had short blonde hair and a determined look on his face.

"What's that boy?"

"I saw the witch! I saw Mr. Thompson try and corner the creature! I saw the thing use it's magic!"

Everyone began murmuring amongst themselves.

"Aha! I told you lot! I know what I saw!" Mr. Thompson laughed, taking another chug of the gold-colored beer.

"What if there are more?" A woman asked.

"Why are they here?"

"They've come to take our children!"

"Our jobs!"

"He have to find them!"

"Burn them all!"

At that, John's blood was boiling but he couldn't fight these men. They were three times the size he was! So he tipped the bartender and slipped out of the noisy bar.

How could they be so cruel? Witches never did anything! They were people like him and had the same rights as everyone else! Yet they were still burned at the stake for doing the things they enjoyed!

John wished he knew magic, he could show them then.

So here he was, looking for the Cornerwitch. He had heard stories of him before, but he was certain all the magical beings became extinct after the Salem Witch Trials.

Apparently not.

He needed to warn him.

According to the tales, he was easy to find...if you knew where to look.

He could hear shouting from the bar. And if he squinted his eyes just right, he could see the men walking out with torches, ropes, and rakes. He could here the women wishing them luck and hoping they'd return safely.

John clenched his teeth and pulled on the base of his pony tail to tighten it. His coat wasn't doing him any good against the cold.

He rushed past an alley and swore he saw someone smoking. He walked back and slowly stepped into the dark area. He could see the orange specks at the end of the long pipe.

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