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February. The month of love, true love, and romance.

Dixie used to love this month, it was her favorite. All the couples she would see, all the love in the air, it used to make her feel alive, knowing she, too, would go home to find her true love waiting for her with open arms.

But now she didn't have that. And she hated this month. She absolutely, full heartedly hated this month. Knowing that she wouldn't rush home to meet Noah and feel his warmth made her feel empty.

She glanced around at all the happy couples in the cafe today and she felt broken. She knew it was her fault and her fault alone that she was alone.

Maybe if she texted him and wished him a Happy Valentines Day, she would feel better. For old times sake.

Yes, that's what she would do.

She got up from her seat and walked towards the door, opening it to reveal the cold but sunny day outside, such a change from the months before.

As she walked out, a couple caught her eye. They were kissing by the wall of the cafe when she realized who they were.

Noah. And a girl. Kissing.

Dixie froze in shock, unable to move, paralyzed with cold. The cold made its way to her heart and froze it. The only thing warm about it, is that it was pumping blood throughout her body, but at the moment, all she could feel was cold.

As she finally broke away, she felt dead. She felt betrayed, even though she had no right to feel betrayed.

She wanted to cry. She wanted to cry and shout and scream at the top of her lungs. Dixie wanted him to hear her hurting. She wanted him to see her break into pieces, she wanted him to know how her soul shattered because of him. Dixie wanted him to feel every hurt he caused her.

She wanted to cry. She wanted him to see her cry and she wanted him to put his arms around her and tell her 'darling, it's okay, I'm here, don't cry my love, I forgive you' until he took her home and she fell asleep in his arms with his soothing voice in her head.

February. The month of love, true love, and romance.

But not for her.

No, for her, it was the month of heartbreak, love, and loss.

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