4 years

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4 years later

I have been officially Lauren Evans now for 3 years, I couldn't believe it. Our wedding day was the best day of my life, we had something small and intimate. Just family and a couple of friends. The marvel cast of course. Robert gave me away which was so special. Chris made a beautiful memorial table for Ashley, her picture stood proudly and he laid out flowers and everything for her. I was an emotional mess for many reasons, one obviously missing my sister but also because I was pregnant. I didn't know till the honeymoon. My boobs grew and I felt so sick. I took the test and I showed chris. He was so happy. We had a baby girl, she was born on Ashley's birthday and we decided to name her Isabella Ashley Evans. My sister middle name and first name. I didn't feel like I could name her Ashley as there was only ever going to be one of those. Izzy was now 3 and I couldn't believe it, time moved so quickly. She was the spitting image of Ashley, and she acted like her too.
2 years after Izzy was born. We were pregnant again this time with a little boy. We named him Daniel Robert Evans and he was now 1. He was an adorable little boy and Izzy loved having a baby brother. Our lives are perfect, we still live in Boston and chris is still acting. I decided to take a step back from the hospital, I still technically work there but more on the administration side of things now. So I could work more from home. Especially as I found out im pregnant again. We didn't mean to have another one so soon but we just can't seem to keep our hands from one another.
Chris is so excited, he is an amazing father and Izzy and Danny love him so much. He is everything I could have ever asked for in a husband and a father.
Im currently 8 months pregnant and chris has taken time off so he can be at home to help me, dealing with a 3 year old and a 1 year old when you can't see your feet is not a good thing.
"Izzy it's time for a bath come on"
"But mummy I want you to bath me"
"Im sorry honey, daddy is going to do it okay"
Chris came out from the bathroom "you ready princess?"
"No I want mummy"
I felt myself tearing up, I hated not being able to do things with my kids. Only 1 more month to go.
"Look princess, mummy is carrying your baby brother or sister right now so it makes it really hard for mummy. So if you let daddy bath you, we can get our pjs on and we can all cuddle and watch a movie before bed okay?"
"Okay daddy" she ran to him and he picked her and kissed her all over.
Danny was sat on the floor laughing at his daddy and sister. He was walking now and getting into everything. Izzy wasn't so happy when he tried to play with her toys but she was learning to live with it.
Danny looked over to me "dada bath"
I laughed "yes baby boy, dadas bathing Izzy"
"Yeah Izzy"
He giggled and walked over to his toys. Dodger our beautiful dog, protected these kids with all his worth. He loved them so much. He walked over and lay right next to Danny while he played.
When chris was done bathing Izzy, she ran into the living room, knocking over Danny's tower he just built. He had a melt down and screamed.
Izzy went over and picked it all up and built it for him again "im sorry danny. Please don't cry"
I looked over and felt myself tearing up again.
She hugged me and he hugged her back. She kissed his head and he giggled "love zizizizy"
"Love you too danny"
Chris came up behind me and saw the interaction. "We have some amazing kids you know"
"We really do"
His hand rested on my bump "and this one is just going to be as amazing you know"
I nodded, he kissed my cheek and we headed into the living room. He picked up danny and tickled him "shall we watch a movie little man"
He was sat on Chris's lap and he started clapping and jumping around. Izzy sat next to chris and cuddled into his side.
"Mummy come sit"
I sat down next Izzy, chris arm around her, hand on my hand. Danny snuggled on his lap and dodger at our feet. Chris flicked through Disney +  and found beauty and the beast. One of our favourites and the kids.
I looked across at my beautiful family and slowly rubbed my stomach. I couldn't believe this was where I was. All thanks to my wonderful baby sister. She made all this happen. I miss her everyday and I always tell the kids about there amazing auntie who would have loved them so ferociously. My sister has made me the woman I am today. Without her I wouldn't be a wife and mother. She is in my heart always. I'll never forget her. Thanks to her wishes my wishes came true.

The end

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