Chapter 7

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Y/n pov

I grumpily sat in a room, well more like a concrete box to be specific.
Barred window and a locked metal door.
Every hour or so I'd get up and start yelling, In hopes I'd get a rise out of someone. Sadly not, they've learnt what we can do and have an eye on us 24/7.
God no one can get a lick of privacy here!
I'd talk to luisa through the walls and she sounded so tired, it was horrible.

One day we heard voices, my ears pricked as I shuffled quietly to the door, they sounded familiar.
I sat with my head on the door to listen.

"LET ME GO- MMPH!" I heard a older feminine voice bellow.
I heard them being thrown to the ground and I gulped, praying in my head they'd stop so they wouldn't get hurt.
"I got the one who can heal you sir. She was found with a young boy and what sounds to be his father."

Damn it..
"JULIETA?" I slightly yelled through the door.
"Y/n???! Im ok! Are you ok?!" she said, worry lacing her soothing voice.
"Im.. fine-" I said solemnly.
"Move it." A gruff, harsh voice said against the door.
I hard a thud and a sharp squeak as shadows of footsteps brushed past my door.
"Move away from the door." I heard the voice as it made the door shake gently, I shuffled backwards up against a wall.
The door swung open and julieta was pushed inside, she was ok aside from a few scrapes.
The man in the doorway stood tall and cumbersome.
His broad shoulders casting shadows against my already dusky room.
"You." He looked at me.
"She stays with you."
His English was slightly broken, he had a Jamaican accent and I picked up on it immediately.
"You're from around here.. aren't you?" I said in a low whisper. Not really around here but I wanted to make a connection.
His eyes glossed over for a second before he huffed.
"I don't speak with prisoners."
"But we are like you." I said bluntly "you're being forced into this?"
And with that he shut the door, the audible click of the lock filling the silent room.

I turned to julieta. "Mi Tía.." I quietly whispered while gliding my hand over her cheek.
"We nearly got away.." she said, her voice cracking under the dense pressure of tears pressing on her vocal chords. "The others got away.." the tears brimming over her eyes as they rolled onto my hand that she held to her cheek.
"I will get us out of here.. I promise" I looked her in the eyes and smiled softly.
Lusias voice hummed through the wall.
"Mamí?" Her voice grumbled with hunger and sleepiness.
"Mi Bebe?!" Julieta crawled over to the wall and places her forehead on the wall.
"te amo mi bebe.."
My heart skipped a beat as I sadly watched.
"It's late tía.."

The next morning, a scream came from a room down the hall,
Not just a scream.
One of the gut wrenching, painful, scared, blood curdling screams.
I knew exactly whose voice that was.

I had a surge of adrenaline and energy and ran up to the door, banging furiously on it.
"CAMILO!" I sobbed and screamed out loudly.
I got flung back onto the ground by the door swinging open, I different man stood at the door.
A smaller build and a scarred, bearded face.
He grabbed my arm abruptly and dragged me out, I reached out towards julietas frame as the door closed.
I looked forward and saw the door at the end of the hall, loud sobs coming from the room behind it.
"what have you done to her.. Please." A familiar voice cracked from behind that door as we approached it.
"Be quiet and don't make a sound."
The smaller man said.
I just carried on staring at the door, that in my haze was slowly opening.
Behind it sat a disheveled looking camilo, battered and bruised.
I choked back tears as he continued sobbing, the tears soaking the cloth around his eyes.
"Please.. where is she?.."
"She decided that death was a better option then giving us information."
It was the Jamaican man, he looked upset.. he sounded upset just saying anything.
I was forced into a chair as I heard a loud gasp and painful groan rage out from Camilos sore throat.
"She wouldn't do that.."
the man started taking off Camilos blindfold as he spoke.
"We decided she should live. She can bare the pain of a loved one dying instead."
My eyes widened as camilo and my eyes met.
"Mi Vida.." he said quietly, tears welling in his eyes as he choked back tears.
"What did you do to him?!" I questioned sternly.
"Answer our questions, how do you have these magical powers? Who have them to you?"
The smaller older man demanded.
Camilo looked between me and the man, panic tearing through his eyes.
"For every question you don't answer we will hurt him more."
I stared daggers at him as I opened my mouth slowly.
"The miracle was given to us when you people were killing Alma's village and people."
"None of us know, we are just as clueless as you bastards."
I got harshly hit over the head.
Camilo winced and bit the inside of his cheek, staring helplessly at me from across the table.
"How dare you speak to us that way, we are here to save you from this form of life."
"Save us?! SAVE US?!!" I bellowed back, tears threatening to show my fear.
The bearded man stared at as, soon quieting me down.
"We don't need saving, we were perfectly happy before you came along."
"You were suffering."
I looked back at the bearded man and scowled.

"We need your powers, our empire would be stronger if we had magical beings on our side. We have been sent to collect you and bring you back."
"Like hell I'd follow you!" I spat back, leading to me getting kicked off the chair and dragged back to my room, Kicking and screaming all while Camilo stares helplessly at me.. his shoulders tense and his frame stiff but tired.

I remember the feeling of getting thrown through my door and my head being cold after that.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2022 ⏰

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