4 • Fashion Guru

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"Hero, you've got a client coming in half an hour, word of warning. She's really picky with her choice of clothing" I nod, swiping through multiple pages on my iPad in my hands. I had my assistant send over her designs overnight and I'm currently going through them, seeing which ones I approve of.

"She's that new model for that photoshoot coming up in a few days, you'll need to measure her before showing her different outfits or dresses" Nodding, I wave off my other assistant and re-send this email back to my clothing assistant with my approved choices.

"Hello, I am looking for Hero?" I lock my iPad at the sound of my name being called.

"Who's asking?" I grab the iPad in one hand and let it swing gently beside my arm.

"I am, I'm Josephine and I am here to get fitted and dressed for the photo shoot coming up" Hot damn. This girl was indeed beautiful.

"Of course, please stand on the platform near the mirrors please. I'll fetch the measuring tape" No words fall from her lips, she only moves to where I ask her to go.

Grabbing the tape, I let it fall and I straighten it out.

"Okay, so I am going to measure your legs first okay?"

"Yep, do your thing" I nod, placing one end of the tape at her foot and the other end at her hip bone. I then measure her calf.

I stand up and move to face Josephine.

"Okay, please lift your hands out straight to the side, I'm going to measure your waist, then your bust--" I lift my gaze to Josephine's, her eyes are looking back at mines and it catches me off guard.

"You okay there Mr Tiffin?" I snap my focus back to Jo, my client for the next hour.

"Yes, Miss Langford, please forgive me" She simply nods and smiles, re-lifting her arms to the side.

So, taking measurements on her waist, slowly moving up to her bust to measure that, of course, my hand grazes her sides for a moment with the tape in-between my fingers. Stretching out the tape and placed it around her chest, bringing the end together at the front. I feel Miss Langford's eyes on me for a moment but ignore the lip-biting gaze and continue on with my job. 

"Thank you for taking the time out to see me, I know you're a busy fashion guru!" Once again, with those words... I turn my attention to Miss Langford with curious eyes.

"Fashion Guru?" I chuckle at the statement, never heard of it before.

"Do you not ever wonder how you became so liked and popular over the past couple of years...? Do you not have social media?" I shake my head.

"I have an assistant who deals with my social media presence, she only tells me of anything work-wise. Why?" She smiles throwing her fingers through her fringe putting it on the other side of her head,

"Because you're well-spoken about online. Everyone loves your work. It's been said that you're hard to get a hold of!" Throwing my eyebrows, I am surprised.

"That does kinda explain why I've been so busy for a long time. I am surprised my inspiration has lasted so long-"

"Because you're work in the world is exceptional" I smile at her, now that I have her measurements, I can pick through some options.

"Well, I hope as your fashion guru... you'll love this piece. An added perk for being such an amazing client, you can keep it for free" Miss Langford smiles at me, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Thank you, Mr Tiffin"

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