Dare 11: Crystal and Trace

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  Spark: Wow, you guys really want this ship don't you? This is the third time I've had to include Trace in a dare. Anyway, today's dare is from @ShiningJolteon so thanks for this one, I would also like to apologize to @Crystal_Furry_17 for refusing yet another one of their dares, I just don't think I can do any better than Pkm-150's tie up that he did. Anyway, onto the dare!

Trike: At least tell me what it fluffing is!

Spark: Oh right, the dare was for Crystal and Trace to spend a day out together, not necessarily a date, just a day out

Trike: Oh, well we both know how that's going to end don't we, I mean the way you write-

Spark: No, no fourth wall breaks,no

Trike: You can't fluffing boss me around, also aren't you technically breaking the fourth wall even by just mentioning it

Spark: N- *thinks* every time we spoke of it, did we really break it

Trike: Ha, I knew that would break him, also I have plans for this one

Spark: *shakes his head* Regardless of that, I can't have Speed hearing about this so I'm just going to teleport them both here *teleports Crystal and Trace into the room, Trace is wearing his old adventurer gear*

Trace: Wait, why am I back so soon, how many dares have you done since I was last here

Spark: None, this is the second dare in a row you're needed for

Crystal: Do I have to kiss him again *in mind* That might actually not be that bad

Spark: No

Trace: Then what do we have to do?

Spark: You two have to spend a day alone together, you can go anywhere you want, just don't go with any of the rest of the squad

Crystal: Ok, this dare seems easy

*Outside the door*

Speed: *Quietly* What!?

Lazuli: Calm down, we know they probably won't do anything because of the seven minutes in heaven dare

Speed: I know you're right but I'm still gonna follow them

Lazuli: That's a bad idea

Speed: I know, but I have to keep her safe

Lazuli: Fine, but I'm coming along too

Speed: Thanks Lazuli

*They go downstairs to wait for Crystal and Trace to come down*

*Inside the dare room*

Crystal: So you want Trace and I to go and spend an entire day together, what are you going to tell Speed to make him believe there's a perfectly good reason for me to be gone for an entire day

Spark: ,,,

Trace: Yeah, he doesn't exactly trust me that much, because of the fact that I flirted with Crystal as a kid

Crystal: You were pretty cute as a shinx though

Trace: *Blush* Thanks Crystal, but things happen and I had to evolve

Crystal: I understand that

Spark: That's enough of that, Speed is probably already getting suspicious, so sneak downstairs, and go out the back door, then hop the fence

Crystal: I've got an idea, runs out of the room and returns with a large bottle

Trace: What's that fo- oh, you're going to do a Vaporeon thing, aren't you

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