The Beginning

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Rainbow Dash sat at the entrance to quiet station, listening to the soft rain pour on the roof above her. Sighing to herself, she looked around to see what was around her. The train station was completely deserted, as no trains left or arrived for another two hours.

“Why did I think this was a good idea?” She muttered. “It’s probably just an immature prank from Pinkie again.”

Rainbow had come to this station after finding a mysterious note on the branch she usually napped on, saying simply “You’re right. Meet me at the train station at 1 A.M.” She assumed it was another joke pulled on her, like all the others. But she couldn’t risk the chance. She needed the truth about those horrible eyes.

Rainbow heard a light sound nearby and searched around, searching for a small rodent, or maybe a bunny, who made such a small impact on the ground. What she did not expect to see were two light blue eyes a few feet into the darkness. She hesitated, but realized it was just Bon-Bon out on a nightly stroll. The local sweets addict had to keep her good form somehow, she supposed.

“Bon-Bon!” Rainbow said.  Good to see you. Out for a nightly walk?”

“No.” Bon-Bon replied.

Rainbow observed Bon-Bon in the darkness and noticed something peculiar about her. She appeared to merge greatly with the darkness, and Rainbow could only see her eyes and a slim outline. Those eyes…

She realized the truth of the situation. Death was likely. She was bucked. But most of all, she realized she had been right all along about the one thing she feared most of all.

“Well, I’ll be quick.” Bon-Bon said. “Vamponies? Real. All along. You were right this entire time, but unlike most, you persisted in your belief. You were approaching the truth about us, and for that,” She said with a sharp toothed grin, “You must die.”

Faster than believed possible, Bon- Bon lunged at Rainbow. Rainbow, however, was prepared. She pulled out her silver knife with her wing and swung in a wide arc, hoping to intercept her path. She aimed high however, and heard a hiss as her knife hit Bon-Bon’s ear. Almost immediately after, she felt a sharp pain in her side that surpassed any pain she had felt before. She fell to the ground, and heard the sound of hoof steps running away. She felt the life leaving her, and accepted her fate. She thought many thoughts in that short time. She felt joy that she had been right about the existence of Vamponies all along, though not in the way she expected.  In her dying moments, her life flashed before her eyes.

All the joys of childhood.

All the great adventures.

All the ridicule and shunning for her unnatural fears.

But most of all, those eyes.

Those horrible, terrifying eyes.

Rainbow closed her eyes and accepted her fate.

She felt the cold darkness approach then passed on.

Rainbow awoke with a sharp gasp, feeling horrified and not knowing why. She felt cold, as if she were wrapped in ice. She looked around to see she was inside Fluttershy’s cottage, but Fluttershy didn’t seem to be around. She attempted to try and sit up, but fell down from the effort about halfway up. Just then, a knock came to the door, and she heard a sweet, melodious voice flow in.

“Rainbow?” It whispered. “You awake?”

“Yeah, come on in.” Rainbow nearly coughed as she spoke, feeling her throat being unbearably dry.

Fluttershy opened the door and gave rainbow a big smile. She walked over to Rainbow and tried to help her up, but Rainbow could barely move. Sitting up at the moment felt like trying to lift a mountain. She felt as if her whole body was drained of all its muscle. What had happened last night?

"So how are you feeling?" Fluttershy asked nervously.  She seemed to be hiding something, but Rainbow couldn't figure out what it was. “Remember anything…  Strange?” She said with an awkward grin.

Rainbow struggled to remember the events of the previous night, but she couldn’t seem to recall anything. She searched her head for an injury, supposing it may have caused her memory loss. She found no injury, but notice that her mane was hardened, as if tree sap had gotten into it. With a surge of effort, she stood up and started to walk to the bathroom.

“Oh dear!” Fluttershy said. “Don’t push yourself too hard now, you’re completely exhausted.  Why don’t you just take a rest?”

Rainbow still insisted on going, despite her friend’s request.  However, as she walked down the hallway, her legs and gave out and she fell to the floor. She couldn’t place a reason on her strange lethargy. As far as she could remember, her previous day had gone relatively ordinary; no parties, pranks, or any tiring mishaps. Before she could think, however, the pain caught up to her and she passed out.

It seemed to be the dream that occurred to Rainbow often: The fateful night. The night she had seen those eyes. However, this time the eyes in the darkness were a soft blue, rather than the usual harsh red. The owner of said eyes then looked at Rainbow and charged. She was bitten. She fell to the ground. However, a mysterious figure picked her up as she laid there and carried her away.

It was then Rainbow woke up with a jolt, remembering the events of the previous night. She dreaded what she expected to see, but she needed to know. With a sudden burst of energy, she charged to the bathroom and looked into the mirror on the wall. It was then she saw much of her body was covered in dried blood. But that was not what scared her the most. It was the new length of her canines, and her strange desire to lick herself clean to wet her throat.

Fluttershy walked over with a guilty look on her face, and said with a sigh, “Well, you’ve realized the truth. Vamponies are real. And you’re the newest one of our clan.”

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